Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 12:34:00 AM
okay, so after my last effort to update every day failed, i decided to update after a long long time. im not gonna go into the details like the last posts but a lot happened. and i mean loads! but i've got no mood to update about them. =="i went to the zoo btw, and it's friggin free! i wonder why :S anyhoo, did i mention that it's fucking hot right now?? well, it's been a burning hell for the last few days and boy, did i get
oh well, im thinking on what to update about. well, one thing's for sure, my sis just got a nose bleed = mimisan. and i dont know what to do since i've never had one before. in my life. so i started calling people and she started freaking out and stuff. boo hoo! i had to stop my assignment and make her a warm drink, take her bottle up to her, get vitamin C, get ice cubes, bla bla bla ... as usual :S
an event?
there was a car accident yesterday right by edgewood. knocked up pretty hard i should say, both cars got their glasses broken and the road was blocked. the bus couldnt get through and so i had to wait inside the bus. of course, i missed the next bus ==" but anyway, my friend fetched me anyway after that. ahhahaha but the bus eventually passed through after a good 15 minutes :)
anything else? hmmm..
nope! just a hot hot hot hot day! more hot days coming ahead im sure, but hey! im off to indo next wednesday :DDD got a paper due next monday, i hope i can do a good job. didnt do so well on the last paper, and the final's up on tuesday. wish me luck luck luck!!
@janet : ga mungkin buffed or super fit. abis itu ga prnh lari lgi, and im eating outside everyday. a lot. gendut like crazy, it's driving me nuts!
omg almost forgot. watched transformers premiere last night! woooohooo :DD was fun, but i was too tired that i slept in some parts. nope, quite a lot. but it was good, though the first was better. i think :))
see ya in 8 days peeeeeeps! im so freakin excited XDDDDDDD
as summer feels.
__________________________________continuing the update
Friday, June 12, 2009 at 5:25:00 PM
unimportant stuff, but hey! im updating :DDDback from lunch and bowling. i suck at bowling AND at resisting to eat food. i hope i can control this. watched seven pounds last night. i have no comment on it. it's pretty boring at some parts and a bit confusing, but it was okay when you understand it.

some peeps came over and, my sis and i tidied the whole house in like, 15 minutes? i even vaccumed :P and it was late at 10. glad no one complained. dhina brought fruits for snack. i guess everyone here is trying to control their weight too, which is totally awesome! i'll have more spirit if everyone around me is doing it~
oh, we played frisbee yesterday and went over to michael's frozen custard right after. photos at fb :)
going for volley after this. wheeee! there goes my phone,
as summer feels.
__________________________________run run run
Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 10:43:00 AM
well, jog really. i've been running or jogging plus walking around lake shore these past few days, as you know from my last post. and ...last wednesday i jogged and walked to picnic point which is the ulitmate end. and i looked it up at google, it's approximately 4 km. and so, when we walked back from there, add another 4 km, totaling up to 8 km. holy shiet that's a lot!
the purple trail

super tiring!
as summer feels.
__________________________________aw gawd help
Tuesday, June 09, 2009 at 4:14:00 PM
i havent been blogging for ages and gawd, i feel like i should blog but ... things are just not going so well. why? well, last week i just started my summer class: philosophy - ethicsam i jumping around happily? no.
people who took it, with the same teacher, said that it was an easy class. but not for me. maybe coz im taking it in the summer, so everything's so packed and i have short writing assignments every single day. i had my midterm yesterday. i had my presentation 3 days after class started. and i have a paper due next monday.
well, it doesnt sound bad when i remember that it's only from monday to thursday from 10 to 12. okay, so it's not THAT bad. but really, i have to read like a whole lot of pages (50 something yesterday) and most of them are in old english or some philosophical english that basically uses 4 sentences to say 5 words.
best part?! my professor's a bit weird :/ when she laughs you can see all her veins almost popping out of her neck :DDD and she laughs weird too!
okay so, im currently updating from the last time i made the mass update. so i went to chicago on the sunday.
not much pictures, and no group pictures but 16 of us went together!
here's what we ate:
there's this stone thingy outside the place where there's the 12 zodiac. read mine.
then basically the next few days, i was eather at home or eating outside :( which again, made me fatter and fatter. did i mention that i gained 5 kgs??! 5 fucking kgs?!? omg, yes! and i aint happy at all about it. holy shit it's so hard to not eat.
THURSDAY - terrace!! really nice place near school. not my school but my future school. did you know that UW (University of Wisconsin) is one of the few schools that sells beer in the union? hah! i didnt drink, just sipped through some, but the rest did. played cards and uno.
went back to adeline's house to play flip the cup. got ginger ale for me but.. since i cant really drink soda, doesnt really help :(
took a hell lot of photos, but i dont know where they are. i never bring my camera here =a= since the people here have SLR. i dnt want to them to waste their energy carrying those heavy cams for nothing. :) and wouldnt that give me more moments to pose infront of the camera!?
anw, there was a lot of commotion which i dnt really want to repeat here. i told irene though! :) since she was waiting in the airport and i was really scared that night since it was dark and stuff =a=. but a whole lot of stuff happened and let's leave it at that.
forgot what happened on friday.
saturday - NOAH'S ARK! it's the largest waterpark in america
then,, my class started for the following week and ended on thursday.
what happened thursday?? well, i got a bunch of assignments for the next week and a study guide for the exam on monday. but it seemed as if the long weekend was short since i wasnt home much. why??
after school, i was waiting for the bus, then my friend honked me and offered to send me home. asked to have lunch, i agreed. went home, not long - volley. after volley, dinner. then, played board game : clue and apples to apples till a little past midnight. got home, tired and so went to sleep.
early in the morning - dhina called to ask me if i wanted to run along lake shore. i agreed. it was tiring as hell, and i wasnt fit enough to run the whole way. EXHAUSTED. sent back home, took a shower real quick. 1 hour later, my friend fetched me to go to the movies. ate lunch first - fish and chips.
wanted to watch: UP and angels and demons
UP was at 3.30 and we reached there at 2 something so we had to wait. went into land of lost for about an hour.

switched to UP.

after up, angels and demons was at 6 and we still had another hour. went into terminator.

after the whole thing, i was tired and sleepy. ate dinner at a mexican place - quite okay. then played board games again. till 3am :(
potluck at erwin's. my sister made macaroni skotel? skutel? whatever. promised to meet up at 2. but we ended up reaching his place at 3.30 :( how hungry was i? SUPER!
played board games, again =a= till 10pm and it felt as if we were in a retreat. hahaha coz his house had that feeling. anw, left at 10 for karaoke. 2 hours full, then we went home at last at 1am, exhausted, of course. no time for homework.
home at last! homework, exam packed in one day. ran again in the evening. i wasnt strong enough, still. :( sorry guys, you always had to wait for me.
that's basically it! the whole thing. sorry about the weird summary. i dont care if no one reads it, at least i updated.
and, congrats to everyone who graduated! sorry i wasnt there, i could've but i wasnt. sorry :( anw, congrats!!
as summer feels.