Friday, May 29, 2009
at 11:39:00 AM

YAY ME! :))

sorry i havent uploaded the other events. there's lots more but i havent had the chance. sorry peeeeeps! forgive me. (:
as summer feels.

automatic video

Saturday, May 23, 2009
at 10:48:00 PM

okay i know people arent really a fan of the automatic video thing. i am aware honestly, but the thing is, i dont know how to set it so it doesnt play automaticly. im also getting annoyed by it really, it keeps on playing at the wrong times and it's driving me nuts.

someone help yeah? :/
as summer feels.

the week after exam/semester ends *CONTINUED

at 6:53:00 PM


went early at 11ish with ineska :) and we went to fetch the others at palisade and this weird thing happened. two "drunk" (i think) guys approached our car and started looking inside. then they were putting their hands on the windows and saying "high fives! high fives!" and so we pressed out hands on the glass and laughed along giving them fives! and stuff. but then he went to my side of the car and asked for a real high five. and i was like ... ummmm okay, what do i do now? and they insisted that they aint going no where unless we give them a real high five.

ineska opened the window slightly and said that we were in a hurry and stuff but i think they misunderstood and thought that we were gonna give them a high five :S oh well, we did anyway, but it was weird hahahh!

went to rent the bikes and then, off we went! it was hot, and stupid me, i forgot to use sunblock :( and so, there it was, a line right on my arm. the line that separates a dark and light colour =="

we biked to Olbrich Gardens and as usual, photos:



yes, i stayed at home and ummm i kinda forgot what i did. hahha! i think i just stayed home and did nothing? yeah i think so. yeah, i just stayed home and perpared the documents i needed to report myself to the consulate or something, those stuff. and i needed some documents and so, i need to ask the office to put my name on the lease and stuff. document things. BORING.


lunch at chili's :) splendid i should say. 3000 calories of onion rings strings. the guys were talking how it was mentioned in a magazine or so. whatever, it was great! but oily :S

watched wolverine and night at the museum after that. a bit late, but oh well. wolverine was pretty cool :)

night at the museum, not so :( like the first one better! way better.


home. walked to sentry for groceries. SMORES!

okay this was a bad one :S


CHEERS TO SUMMER! im going to chicago tomorrow :)
as summer feels.

the week after exam/semester ends

at 12:20:00 PM


it was commencement day for the graduates! although im absolutely confident that no one here will read my blog but

so we went to their graduation, took hell lot of pictures but none of them are with me. it was warm but the wind was cold so the sunlight didnt really affect anything. plus i was wearing shorts so that messed me up :/

went to sylvi's house to help her pack for indo and then ate dinner at sa-bai thong :D a thai cuisine here in madison. stayed there till late night and then fell asleep right after i reached home.


stayed at home to clean the house. exam week's always a wreck in the house and stuff keeps on appearing everywhere. laundry. vaccum. just stuff.


devil's lake outing!

went and meet together with everyone at around 10.30ish and then drove off to devil's lake. the drive took about an hour or so, and we listened to big bang's songs most of the tune. well, not really, but it's nice to hear their songs. and it's really nice that matthew's car always has the song on super loud :) AWESOME RIDE!

arrived and the weather was super windy. we planned to rent canoes and kayaks but the wind was so strong that the canoes weren't on rental anymore. since it could be dangerous i suppose. so all we did was hiking.

off we go~

trust me it was tiring. it was super tiring. well, at least for me :( and my shoes were hurting my foot, the back of my foot to be exact. it kinda bled and scratched pretty badly.

since the wind was so strong it was pretty cold as well, and i wasnt really glad about it really. it was freezing, i should say. anyhoo, pictures:

we did some bbq after that. since the wind was so strong, it took us qutie some time to light up the fire, and coals but we managed! and there were one hell lot of FOOOOD~


went home at around ... ummm i forgot but it was pretty late. and i was pretty tired and exhausted honestly. wanted to sleep early but, cant fight the insomnia :(


it was felix's bdae! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FELIX!

went to his house at 9.30 to wake him up, with a PAN! but the sound was so awful, didnt seem like a pan :S he actually woke up at 7 to send (i forgot who) to the airport and so, he came back pretty tired i think.

when we came, he was still sleeping. IN HIS BOXERS! all of us came into his room but he was staying put under his blanket. HAHA. it was so funny that he went and brush his teeth first and shoo-ed us away so he could wear his pants. :D

had lunch at FUGU after that. they had two indos serving there. at first when i sat down, i heard the woman behind me say something in indo, but i thought i was just hearing wrong things. but then it turns out that they were speaking in indo. perfect indo and so conclusion = they were indos :)

had volley after that! from 2ish to 4.30ish =a= it was so tiring and people were still wanting to go badminton :S but no thanks for me! i was already so tired from devils lake, didnt sleep for the right amount and my supposedly time for resting was taken for lunch today.

again, i cant really sleep early these days. i dont know why :(

im gonna stop here since im getting distracted and i start doing other things ==" i'll probably continue the week later on! CHEER ON, IT'S SUMMER!
as summer feels.

exam week

Thursday, May 14, 2009
at 3:44:00 PM

final exam week to be exact.

i havent been updating for a while, why? mostly because of this exam week going on, but i havent been studying so the real reason is ... nothing really happened. nothing worth blogging about, but worry not, cause summer is here! right from next week, the peeps here have some things planned out! which is totally awesome.

much much more!

i just got out of my finite exam =a= so many decimals, but glad that's over! i only have one last calculus quiz tomorrow which i dnt intend to study for since we're allowed to bring a not sheet which is huge enough to fit in all that is needed for the exam! :D

looking forward to the summer feeeeeeeeeeeeel after tomorrow. 2pm to be exact.
as summer feels.

new layout

Friday, May 08, 2009
at 7:50:00 PM

at last! i've been staring at the html codes for hours and i've been going bananas since the first stare.

but it's done now! what do you all think?
as summer feels.

it's morning

Thursday, May 07, 2009
at 5:29:00 AM

yeap it totally is ... 5.30AM! wondering why im posting? or why i woke up so damn early?

well, i havent actually slept. =a= ESSAY ESSAY ESSAY, actually it's my FINAL essay and im nt even done yet :( but right now, im totally sleepy and i dont even know what time i'll wake up tomorrow. oops, today. but i hope i do wake up, i still have a revision letter to do and some touch ups on the final essay.

anyhoo, i should get going.
as summer feels.

mraz flip cam

Tuesday, May 05, 2009
at 10:35:00 AM

so i found anya's youtube and i subscribed to her channel. she's got this tour diary with jason mraz and... i found out this video she updated 7 hours ago about mraz taking her flip cam in MADISON, WISCONSIN.

see me out there? :D
as summer feels.

hit counter!

Monday, May 04, 2009
at 11:37:00 PM

i just added a counter :D i know it's kinda late but i still wanted to put it on.

i was thinking between the counter or the map thingy that's in sam's blog but i tried the map thingy out and it's kinda weird. im not that good in computer stuff and html codes are not really my best friend, so the simplest kind of counter is on! right under the tag tab. i know this is kinda unimportant but, oh well :D

im currently looking for a summer kind of layout to open up the summer feel!
as summer feels.


at 3:50:00 PM




i so adore him! so last night was the concert and wow! i had a hell lot of fun!

okay im actually supposed to do my essay, i have another draft due tomorrow =a= i know! but it's the last week of school so im actually pretty psyched and scared. psyched that it's the last week of school, obviously, and scared i cant finish the english essay.

anyhoo, it's not time for me to rant about my stuff. i've got to tell the word that JASON MRAZ IS THE BEST LIVE PERFORMER EVER! and i would totally go to another concert of his.

so as i said before, we went at 5.30 supposedly but i got fetched at around 5.45 but stupid me forgot my ticket coz i was super hyper about this =a= so we had to drive back. then when we reached there, it was not that full yet so we were quite near the stage which is a totally good thing.

they sold t-shirts and one particular t-shirt caught my eye even from outside. this shirt:

i didnt want to buy it but a friend of mine did before the show began. you guys must be wondering why the hell i have it on. well, i'll let you know soon. obviously i bought =a= coz i cant be wearing my friend's coz his would be too big on me =="

anyhoo, the show was opened by jason coming on stage bringing a whole bag of popcorn and throwing it to us while introducing his friend Anya Marina. who is by the way a great singer. well, i think she is. she did some of her songs and a cover of TI's Whatever You Like. and her cover was amazing! im telling you, i like it better than the original version. here's a video of her doing it in another show. GREAT!

she also did Lucky with jason and i think it was even better than the original with colbie. again, from another show:

another song which stuck to me is this - All The Same To Me :

then, it was the guest star's turn = Plain White T's!! they were awesome. they played a couple of songs from their newest album and of course 1, 2, 3, 4 and Hey There Delilah. and then there was this other song that totally stuck on me - Write You A Song. the lyrics are damn good. im gonna do a post on it soon! since i like it so so much.

thennnn, silly me had to go to the bathroom during the break. so we made our way out of the crowd. then i was looking at the t-shirt filled with regrets. i wanted to buy it so badly, but i didnt have cash with me. so i went back into the room and borrowed some money from the guys - those who went to the bathroom with me. and so, i bought it!

another picture to celebrate!

iiihhh somehow kok my hand looks big =a=

but but but, after the whole t-shirt buying, a disappointing moment. we couldnt get back into the crowd. they were all blocking us and so all we could do was stand and watch from the back. right side to be exact. it wasnt as crowded as the middle, but the rest was totally having fun right in the middle :( and so we couldnt do anything.

when jason showed up, we were totally excited but still, the atmosphere was totally different from being in the middle of the crowd. SO, we decided to creep slowly and make our way into the crowd. but there were a lot, and i mean a lot of drunk people. there was this drunk girl trying to do a handstand =a= i know, wtf? then she was hugging a total stranger who was also drunk. and swaying around pushing everyone around her, including me and lulu and felix. ahahha poor felix had to stand up straight and push her away from him. lol. but hell, we wanted to get a closer look, so we stepped right in. then when, jason was singing im yours, i was singing along like crazy, then the drunk guy was like facing me and singing along with me. i was like "wth dude?" but i didnt want to ruin my happy sing-a-long so i didnt freaking care.

THEN THEN THEN, he sang this really slow ballad version of The Boy's Gone and A Beautiful Mess with his most amazing voice and the crowd was all quite and stuff! it was so so sexy! i totally melted. but that drunk bastard had to ruin the atmosphere by shouting. but i was so mesMRAZied that i didnt even bother. after, he sang the remedy which was my ultimate favourite performance since i was shouting and moving like crazy! i didnt care about anything anymore, i was pushing the girl next to me so i could slid in hahha!

JASON MRAZ IS A GENIUS! he knows exactly how to make the crowd pumping with all his funny jokes and movement! i wish he'd come here again XD

after a while, i noticed that we were at the same line as the other guys in the middle of the crowd which was totally awesome but also disappointing. jason took a polaroid of himself on stage with the crowd as the background and he freaking tossed it to the middle crowd. i swear if any of those indos could've jumped up and snatched im gonna freaking steal it from them! but overall it was totally fun! i really wanted to take a picture with him and get his autograph. plus plain white t's!! i want a picture with them, but =a= they were all tired so we had to head back. plus i went with someone else so i cant really do anything. no car, how poor :(

im sorry there isnt much pictures, since i didnt bring my camera. im scared it'll get lost or something. all the pictures are with lulu now and my sis only recorded with her LG hp which is only 5megapix so isnt that good either. and im also sorry that my description of the whole concert isnt that great but the real concert was really really great. IT'S TOTALLY WORTH $46!! im actually rushing myself to do this coz i feel this is something worth blogging about and if i postpone this update any longer, i wont update about this. and sorry sam, i dont have the pics :( but here are some i found in jason's blog and twitter. yes, i have been following jason on twitter and reading his blog. he's a funny guy!

the popcorn i told you all about

i swear i saw his nails got a french manicure on the close up screen. see? i knew it! his twitter said he has acrylics on, but only on one hand XD he lost his guitar pick last night!

he's wearing glasses coz his eyes are red and infected so he cant wear contacts. but he said wearing them makes the geeky rock come to life since he's playing in the geeky city of MADISON, WISCONSIN! GO BADGERS!
as summer feels.

jason mraz

Sunday, May 03, 2009
at 4:14:00 PM

wheeee! the day is finally here and im currently getting ready for the concert! cant wait XDDD and im especially excited to see PLAIN WHITE T'S !! possibly more excited to see them than MRAZ. but im still excited to see both XD

and and and

im using my new pair of sneakers. i hope, if i dont change my mind. coz it's freaking expensive that i cant even believe i bought it right on the spot for that price. and it's brand new and im freaking in love with it. plus my sister said it might get stepped on and stuff so, i dont know =a= maybe i will :P i can still save it with a little tissue to clean off those foot prints. we'll see!

i'll show it to you guys when i have time later!

it's gonna start at 7 but we're going to leave home at 5.30 :D

anyhoo, i have updates on my philosophy quiz last friday. not good. i just dont get how my professor managed to put all those questions when he taught us NOTHING. absolutely NOTHING. must be his mind not functioning properly. but he's kind enough to want to change the day of my final without asking for a reason. i'll give him that =v=

till then, i'll post up some pics if i take pictures. if not, i'll post on how it goes.

getting even more pumped up!
as summer feels.