
Sunday, March 29, 2009
at 4:57:00 PM

right, since im done with assignments im going to post my trip to seattle. although it's a bit late ==" and im supposed to study for exams next week, but hell let's do this!

so i went on sunday morning 6am madison time and rached seattle at 11 - seattle time. went to eat at yea's wok. sorry no picture there. then i went to meet irene, christie, inez and stefania. had red mango! it's this yogurt thing like sour sally, only better!! XDDD

then, i bought this coat at anthropologie and it was on sale, but still freaking expensive but i went ahead and bought it anyway. if i dont like it then, i'll return it to the store in madison =P

so here's the coat. it's off-white :)

and here's how it looks like if i button it


pike place

it's this market in seattle. it was pretty close from our hotel, so we walked there. while walking up the stairs, they have these fish thingy on the wall.

then i spotted one that says

they have the famous fish thing.

and then there's the first starbucks

the pig in the picture is a piggy bank. something like that. u can put coins in for donation :) and it's called rachel.

and on the other side of this market, there's this place called the gum wall. i didnt go there since it was i guess a yuck! place. but here's some pictures i found on the net.

i know. ew!

seattle aquarium


seared salmon! we ordered like 20 plates of them because they were awesome! delicious!!

some spider roll or something. it was good but not as good as the seared salmon.

went on a cruise touring around seattle

space needle :D

queen anne


bad boy and seattle crunch. delicious ey?

green tea tempura ice cream

lychee sherbet w/ sake-infused kiwi purèe & mango sherbet w/ sake-infused pomegranate purèe
i had the mango one. in love. period.

greentea cheesecake

MOCHIIIII~ another one of my favourite!
ate at thai1on. they have great food! too bad i didnt take a pic of it :(

cheesecake factory

this was mine - dulce de leche caramel cheesecake

my sister's - dont know the name =="

that's about it i guess. or there were others but i cant remember

oh! we went to my sister's homestay last time. and the aunt who owned the house was indonesian and she can cook those tasty ayam goreng plus the kremes thing from ayam suharti *drooooooool* i bought a packet and it's almost finish. have to save it!

i bought a few things in forever21 :D

a vest

a dress. kinda but i didnt take a picture of it since im fat. right now. so im going to cut down some weight before taking a picture of it.

two rings. here's one.

hahah looks like im giving you the middle finger. XP

i took this pic days ago. friday to be exact and i dont feel like taking a new one so there. oh, and i bought those shades there too.
as summer feels.

essay 2 done

Thursday, March 26, 2009
at 2:52:00 AM

well, it's not really done but it's almost done. i stayed up till this late early to finish it since it's due tomorrow today. i just have to do the bibliography, revision letter and re-read the whole essay to cite the different sources. and, im pretty tired so i'll do them tomorrow this morning. since i have my classes at 2 :]

after this, i would have the philosophy essay due on friday left. and a finite exam next week. oh btw, i applied for another job. im practically applying for a lot of job but im not getting accepted. how pathetic of me T_T" but im going to get the answer from the interview last monday on friday. still, i hope to get it. wish me luck!
as summer feels.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
at 11:24:00 PM

okay, im currently in the middle of doing my essay and it's not even any where near done. oh, and it's due tomorrow but heck, i just donated to fight against cancer in my sister's friend's project.

here's the link if any of you want to donate any amount :

back to my essay T_T"
as summer feels.


Sunday, March 22, 2009
at 10:31:00 PM

hello. im back from seattle since like, last thursday.

i know im supposed to update on seattle but i got so much stuff right now and im not in the mood to do them. but still, i have to. i MUST. and so, i will delay the seattle post till im free. i might not even have the mood to do it later hahha but let's see.

im also saving vina from the delicious looking food i posted in fb. since, she wants to eat all the time nowadays. and wth, i gained 2.5kg from the trip. some shitty new right there =="
as summer feels.

lost it

Thursday, March 12, 2009
at 11:11:00 PM

i lost my usb. i freaking lost it and i totally agree with sam (read his blog) the feeling totally sucks! i left it sticking to the computer last tuesday and dashed off to english after printing my rough draft of an essay. then i realized this morning that it wasnt in my bag. i had to bring 3 copies of it today and i dont even have a copy of it in my computer. yes i know, im a dumbass. why the hell did i save it in my usb but not in my computer?? God knows why, i dont even freaking know. maybe i was unconscious at the time, i dont know =="

so then, i went to my teacher and told him about this. it was weird coz he was sitting infront of his office and when i asked him whether he was free or not, he said, " yeah, but i got kicked out of my office so, have a seat" and i was like "what?" *dumb confused look*

anyway, he was reading our essays and he commented on mine already. he said, he'll make a copy of mine and then wite-out his mean comments but some will still be on there. well, i didnt have any other choices so i just okay-ed it.

then when he came into class, he was carrying it ad he said it'll dry soon. funny, my classmates thought he did something to it and then he said " yeah, i read our essays in the shower" ==" lol, random!

apparently he made 3 coats of wite-out but it didnt cover the comments. and then...

okay im talking too much on unimportant stuff. the thing is i lost my usb, and i really liked it. and it was a gift. ad i havent seen any usb of that kind in this world yet. damn you who took my usb! fuck lahhhhh!
as summer feels.

food food food

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
at 11:29:00 PM

yes, im gonna make this post about food! =D

umm, my fridge after groceries. yeap, we bought a whole lot of ice cream!

the cakester i was telling you about. ato i forgot whther i talked about this or not ==" but there it is. it was supposed to be nicer than the original one, but it was not nice. i dont get why people think it's nice. my sister does and her friend. it's 250 calories per packet which contains 2 cookies. it's fattening and gah, i just dont like it!

one of the breakfast i did last weekend. i did this all by myself, my sis was watching and she didnt want to make me any. the hell, i decided to make one myself. hashbrown, toast and scrambled eggs. okay, i know it doesnt look that good, but i kinda like it, it's actually pretty good :)


yes yes, we made them while watching this show on the inet :)


peel them

parut them - what's parut in eng? i dont know =="

cut some leek - you can actually put anything you want in it even just potatoes

eggs + flour

look, the eggs are frozen lol XP

add salt


we added sesame oil :) love it!

oh, and we added some corned beef


heat the pan up, and put some oil

put the thing on the pan and spread it out, it'll look like eggs. basically it's the same like cooking eggs after that.



again, it doesnt look good but it tastes good :))

last weekend's breakfast - inari! and popcorn fish and some eggs.

and then i tried something i really wanted to try!

milk in champagne glass, wheee, i was freakin excited!

and my sister's friend is teaching me how to make blondies this saturday, hopefully (:
as summer feels.

last friday

Sunday, March 08, 2009
at 11:37:00 AM

okies so last friday was definitely something. i got home from classes and started reading comics again. ==" btw, i found out that all my classes are cancelled for next friday. philosophy is well, it's my professor's bdae next thursday and i dont know why he had to mention it in class. and most of us are probably going to skip so he wouldnt bother having class which is awesome! i was planning to skip that day actually, but now i wont have the guilt of skipping class :) im having this thing to not skip class while im here. =P

and my calculus class on tuesday is cancelled. another awesome thing! and it's also cancelled on friday. well, not cancelled really, but she's just having a class for people who are behind in the class and have questions or something. fortunately, im totally ahead and i'd really hate to do something on the day before holidays. i'll feel lazy the whole day. but i just found out i have an appointment with my advisor so i have to change it to another day. i MUST!

okie so after 4, my sis and i went to borders and i read a whole lot of comics there. seriously, a whole lot. i was waiting for my sis to do her group project and so i had nothing to do. i have an essay actually but i dont really care :) righty, we then went to lucky, this food court like place at the university, drank bubble tea, went to urban outfitters and then have the gathering thing again.

it was meant to be a farewell and we had games which were fun :)) then after, we went to one of my sister's friends house coz we were making a surprise for his farewell. we ate (again ==") then played poker face - the one with the lowest card had to drink beer. it went on till 4 but my sister and i went home at around 3. we were totally exhausted!

we actually made breakfast but im in school right now so i dopnt have the pics. i'll be sure to post some new posts on what i've been cooking =P
as summer feels.

job interview

Friday, March 06, 2009
at 11:31:00 AM

okay, so i just got out of the job interview and im really really nervous about it. seriously, i want this job and i desperately need it!

i dont even know how i did. i dont think it's good but i dont think it's that bad either. but either way, my head's freaking out right now! and they're going to tell me the results on thursday. damn, so long! but still, i hope i get it!! really, i hope i do.
as summer feels.

english teacher

Thursday, March 05, 2009
at 8:09:00 PM

well, i just got home from my english class. my finite was cancelled again today, without any reason really.

it's pretty warm today. a 7ish i should say and i already feel like im sweating in my coat. i woke up at 10 and i was pretty late actually. i was supposed to leave home at 10, since i have a meeting at 11 and so, i missed the bus, obviously. so i hurried and only had a slice of leftover pizza from last night. real yummy! ate it while watching the DVDs i borrowed last week. and so, i had a tornado wrap from wingra's. it was good~ =D

anyhoo, my english teacher is like the king of randomness, really. well, he is to me. his name's adam and i just found out yesterday that he's got a lot of achievements. he's still kinda young - im still in search for his age. im just curious, really. =S he just started teaching like last fall. he has this poetry thing next week, where he's going to read his poem out loud and he's been advertising about that. emailed us and talked about it in class.

then he started talking how he love the weather today is because he gets to wear his cool jacket. ==" yeah, he's really random. like this other day, he was sitting down and looking out the window. and then looked back to the class and wanted to say something but then he looked out at the window again. and we were all like, "what the heck is he doing?" and then he went, " im sorry, that woman has white hair~" and we were like, "...." and the we laughed our ass off! he's freaking funny!

imagine having him as a teacher! our class really laughs all the time just because of his crazy behaviours. the first thing he does as soon as he enters the class is open the curtains or whatever they're called cause he gets all nuts with the windows closed =="

btw i have a job interview tomorrow. yes, im that close to getting the job so please please pray for me. i hope i get it, cuz it fits really well with my schedule and i really wanna save up to buy a lot of stuff. im feeling the craze to shop in seattle during spring and of course, online shopping!! XDDD and i dont feel like using my parents money. i was talking about this the other day with steph, it's really different here! i dont feel like it's really our money while in indo, you get pocket money and you'll feel like it's yours. i dont know how to say this but just, it's different~ so yeah, im trying to save up.

BTW, im going to seattle for spring~
as summer feels.

i hate hails

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
at 8:43:00 AM

so yeah, basically the title says it all. i hate hails. it's actually not that cold today a -2ish but then the wind is just crazy!

you know how people say your ears and nose or any part of your body as a matter of fact can drop off cause it's too cold? well yeah, i felt like my eyeballs were going to pop out and drop. it's that extreme! the wind was just blowing right to my face all throughout the walk from the bus stop to school and gah! i hate hails.
as summer feels.

so pissed off

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
at 12:43:00 PM

I am so freaking pissed right now. Why? Why why why why why? Urghh, I really don’t feel like talking about this but my sister is being such a bitch that I cant take it anymore.

So last Sunday, I didn’t wake up in the morning for church. Okay, so she woke me up but I didn’t wake up so she went ahead and left for church. Did I commit a crime? No, hell no! But she just got all upset about it and went to tell my mom. How did I know this? Well, she came home fine. But then my mom called me on msn and told me that my sis is pissed at me for not going to church. I was like what the hell? What’s that got to do with you??

And then yesterday, God yesterday was horrible. So I woke up early in the morning and saw the dishes weren’t done. From last night and I didn’t even cook last night. She wanted to cook something to eat before she left for school the next day. Okay, I’m totally fine with that. Really. But for crying out loud, wash them!

I came home yesterday to see those dishes still there plus some more coz she used some plate and stuff. And then she goes all yacky yack at night telling me to wash her dishes. Seriously, it’s her freaking dishes man! And her excuse was, “I’m busy!” yeah right, busy my ass!

Then she had to go all the way and tell my mom that she didn’t want a roommate but then if I went to the dorm, my parents would spend even more money and all that nonsense. So she had to bear with me and stuff. So then, I got a scolding from my mom for not washing HER freaking dishes. Okay, imagine this doofus, if you had lived alone, there wouldn’t be anyone to wash your damn dishes and you’d have to wash it in the end. And really, I hate washing dirty dishes so I told my mom that and she gave all sorts of things like washing them with water first and stuff. But I just hate them! They make me want to throw up or something. And then my mom told me that she’s still freaking angry at me for not going to church. I mean what the hell?

Saying stuff like that to mom and nagging all the way. Well, guess what?! Wait till I tell mom and dad about last Friday, you’d be down on your knees begging me to shut the hell up. So why don’t you shut up and I’ll keep your little unimportant secret!! Live your own life and let me live mine.

And then this morning. Oh yeah, it just keeps on coming. Woke up, and my mom bb-ed me and told me to change the sheets. Okay so I did. And then she went all the way and told me about how busy my sister is and stuff. So I have to help her when she’s busy. Okay, okay I get it. She’s busy and I have to help her. But that doesn’t mean she can watch while I change the sheets right? She should at least help me or change her own. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I changed both of our damn sheets AND she was watching outside all by herself eating God knows what. And I had to listen to my mom’s speech about how busy she is WATCHING?!!?!

Oh and I haven’t really mention this. School’s fine, everything’s fine except that I don’t get along much with the people here. And by people I mean indo people. And why is that so? Well, im gonna blame it on my sister even though that sounds kinda wrong but I still blame her for that. And please don’t get me started on the why part. I really don’t want to talk about that right now. Maybe some other time or maybe, I’ll just keep it to myself.

And ooooh, look what I found on her blog. I know you guys can’t see this coz she blocked her blog for some people to see it only or that stuff. So I’m gonna quote her post.

Monday, March 2, 2009
I know i haven't lived with my sister for about 4
years. guess wad. after living for a month with her alone! argh!! SHE'S A
BRAT!very spoiled and make me tired! GROW UP, MUSHROOM!

There you go~

Uh huh, that’s how she’s like. Telling me to grow up and all. Well, why don’t you try to grow up and act like your age then tell me what to do coz I ain’t listening to you. And I don’t care if anyone sees this or even if my sister sees this. I DON’T FREAKING CARE!
as summer feels.