
Monday, February 23, 2009
at 9:50:00 PM

weee, im done with my freaking essay! well, i could've edited it more but nah, i dont want to. and plus, i dont friggin care anymore. i just want my rest and darn it, im so hungry i wanna eat. bad bad bad.

anyhoo. i got calculus exam tomorrow but i bet it's easy ( really, im not bragging! people from newton and flemming would totally ace this exam hands down or even eyes closed!!) so im just gonna study tomorrow morning. class at 1 tomorrow so i can wake up late =D and then study. we're still learning limits and well, actually we moved on to derivatives a wee bit. but i have to use the limits formula to get the derivative. icky ey?

and something really nice here is that, my calculus teacher told us this:

you know when u're supposed to find the equation after finding the derivative? you pluck in this formula

ya kan? right right? something like that? and then here, she said if you just do :

let's do this point ( 3 , 4 ) and m = 2? let's plug in!


if it was ms lanny you'd have to expand and stuff right but not here. well, not with my calculus teacher. she said, she'd hate it so much when she was in school and she always thought it was dumb! so now, since she can make all the rules, she'll give full credit if you just leave it like that =]

okay i sound like a total math geek right now, so im going to freaking stop.
as summer feels.

fred figglehorn

at 5:14:00 PM

okay, im supposed to be doing my essay which im still not done with by the way but my sister just showed me this guy called fred figglehorn.

watch and subscribe to him!

he's basically a 8 year old. wait, let me just copy and paste:

A lonely 6-year-old with anger management issues, an alcoholic mom, and a dad who is in prison begins posting videos to a YouTube channel.

okay, so i was wrong - 6 year old. do watch him! he's really super uber funny! well to me he is.

and this is how he rally looks like or sound like. he doesnt look that bad really. pretty cute i should say :]

as summer feels.

a weekend of chores

Saturday, February 21, 2009
at 11:53:00 AM

today, we were supposed to have this tour to the capitol. it was supposed to be sometime between the orientation but it was freezing cold that day - something about -28 degrees and so, we couldnt do it. i woke up in the morning so i could catch the bus. since there isnt much bus on the weekends, i have to catch an earlier bus. but today when i got out, i saw this.

cant really differentiate the street and the side walk

how deep my boots went in the snow

snow all covered. made it wet

had to place it infront of the heater =="

i called steph to see if there was an email saying that it's canceled, but then the bus came so i had to go in or i wont be able to catch the next bus that will get me on time to edgewood. then on the bus, i was thinking whether i should go in this weather. and i dont think i should. it's freeeezing! and so, i stopped at hilldale and got off. waited for the next bus and then i went home.

at home

it's time to do our chores! my table's a mess.

made inari plus popcorn chicken and fish.

made the bed

took pictures of the snow. it's snowing pretty hard today. the pile of snow on our balcony is now around 3-4 inches?

did laundry and therefore emptied the laundry basket :)

and speaking of laundry.. when we were checking the laundry, we found out that someone took our wet clothes out of the washer and put it out on a table. i was like wtf dude?! we didnt pass 30 minutes that long so you can take our clothes out. plus, it's wet. it's freaking wet!

there was this on time last few weeks where we waited for someone to pick up their clothes to move them to the drier for hours! i walked back and forth to check on them like 6-7 times. and we didnt even took the friggin clothes out! why? cuz, we're good and besides it's wet clothes.

then, when i was chicking whether ouor drier was done, i found our clothes on the freaking table again! what the hell?! and darn it, it's still freaking wet! i think the dude just turned the drier off and took it out. it's still wet! so we had to spread out the clothes on our futon, so it'll dry. SWT LAHHHH!!!

oh, the edgewood bookstore was on sale, so look what i bought

as summer feels.


Thursday, February 19, 2009
at 8:50:00 PM

remember the snow storm i said? well, because of that, im guessing, it's getting colder these days and snow's starting to cover the streets again. it's freaking -10 degrees!

this is like the side of my campus. a park kinda thing? im nt sure but i can see this from the first bus stop =)

anyways, steph and i ate at wingra's today. so there's two kinds of places we can eat at edgewood. one's at this building called regina and it's called phil's. it's like a usual cafeteria and well, it's usual. you can buy ready made foods or order a grill work. write down on a piece of paper and then give it to the person. when the order's done, he'll call you.

then there's another place in this building called predolin. it's called wingra's named after this lake in madison called lake wingra. so, we tried eating there today. we usually hang out there but outside the place. so today, we decided to hang out in wingra's. i ordered onion rings with nacho cheese and she ordered chicken fingers? i forgot, with honey mustard. basically, the same as phil's write it on the paper and give it to the cashier.

then the cashier gave us this thing

it'll beep when the order's done and we'd come get it. pretty cool? well, that's what i thought =) dont know bout you guys.

im pretty tired today, so.. gotta sleep!
as summer feels.

1, 2, 3, 4

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
at 11:02:00 AM

Plain White T's - 1, 2, 3, 4

1 2, 1 2 3 4-
Give me more lovin' than I've ever had,
Make it all better when I'm feelin' sad,
Tell me that I'm special even when I know I'm not,
Make it feel good when I hurt so bad, Barely gettin' mad,
I'm so glad I found you; I love bein' around you.

You make it easy, it's easy as 1, 2- 1, 2, 3, 4
There's only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you- (I love you) I love you
There's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what I'll do-(I love you)
I love you.

Give me more lovin' from the very start,
Piece me back together when I fall apart,
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends-
Make it feel good when I hurt so bad, Best that I've had,
I'm so glad I found you, I love bein' around you.

You make it easy, it's easy as 1, 2- 1, 2, 3, 4
There's only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you- (I love you) I love you
There's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what I'll do- (I love you)
I love you.
(I love you) I love you.

You make it easy, it's easy as 1, 2- 1, 2, 3, 4
There's only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you- (I love you) I love you
There's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what I'll do-(I love you)
I love you.

this song!

as summer feels.

my apologies

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
at 9:31:00 PM

remember my last *counting* 3 post? i meant, the post when i said i'll nap. if you don't scroll down and read. yeah that.

i didnt nap that day. and so, that's why i didnt update it that day. hang on, that day was yesterday. so yeah, i didnt cuz i didnt nap. why?

well, to start things off. i couldnt do my essay yesterday at school. just didnt have the mood, the idea didnt seem to pop out, nada. cant do it. just couldnt. so, i made that. i was really tired and i seriously needed a nap. but then at home, my sister was reading beauty pop like crazy and has been at it since morning. and so, it crept to me. the disease of beauty pop spread and so i read it. right from the beginning. and i couldnt stop.

i knew i had my essay due the next day. well, the draft but heck, it's the same thing. ==" i couldnt stop and i didnt care if i finished my essay or not cuz i have class at 1 the next day and i could stay up and do it. so i finished reading at around 11? plus plus. and then, i started thinking on my essay but i couldnt really concentrate. but i had to finish it that day.

in the end, i stayed up till 2. woke up at 10 today, couldnt open my eyes. my eyebags got worse, and my eyelids are gone. it just disappeared.

and so, i apologize for that. =/

by the way, i hurt my hand on the doorknob. nope, that wasnt a typo. yeah, cuz of the doorknob. so i was going up the stairs then suddenly there was this noise that freaked me out, so i rushed up the stairs and turned the doorknob too hard that i hurt my finger. stupid me. i do these stupid stuff a lot lately. mmm thinking of it, i think i keep doing reckless things. jeez, wonder when it'll stop.

and so, i cant do the dishes. wait, let me repeat that. i cant do the dishes. I CANT DO THE FREAKING DISHES! whooooo! sorry ci, it's not that i dont want to but, i cant. it hurts.

okie, moving on. something really strange happened today. not exactly strange but.. well, i dont know the word. so, there's this girl that i go to english class with. she always take the same bus as steph and me. and today, we got out of class late and when we were walking up to the bus stop, the bus came and we were running like crazy. but the bus went and left us. so, she called her friend. they were going for dinner and he lives nearby.

and it was so so very kind of her to ask him if we could come together. he offered to come pick her up cuz they were on the phone and she was running while calling him so, he knew about it. and so, steph and i got a ride home =) wheeee. that was nice. *a sudden want to buy a car*

go get that damn licence for christ's sake ci! dad wont buy us a car without it =="

and so, if people are wondering how much i snack. well, here goes..

see that oreo?

i finished it

in 2 days.

could've finished it in one but i restrained myself.
as summer feels.

blog blog blog

at 8:05:00 PM

if you're wondering why the title's like that, well i dont know what to write so ... yeah.. okay some stuff from last week and the weekends, since it was valentine's.

right, so i kinda forgot whether anything happened last week. hmmm nope, not really.

oh! now i remember... went to walmart to buy buttons. why, you may ask? well, i bought this dress, not really a dress but you get my point. and i wanted to use that for valentine's. i bought it at indo and when i got home to try it on again, i found out a tragedy. yes yes, a tragedy X( half the buttons were missing and well, my maid got all so smart and sewed buttons on. and they dont even match. they dont even freaking match to one another. i mean like, she put 3 same kinds and 1 was different =="

so yeah, i went to walmart to find buttons. i went around asking everyone here and they said all kinds of stuff. in the end, conclusion was : walmart it is.

so, i was up sewing the buttons. and when i tried it on, they were to big to fit the hole. darn! but if i forced it in, it could go through and so, i did. and since, the hole or whatever that is the head go through is big enough, i dont have to open the buttons to put it on =)

last saturday though i went to study at sentry. it's this place we go for groceries, but there's macy's there and cafes. so my sister likes to go study there since she gets distracted easily at home.

and i agree to that so i joined her. i just dont have the time to get distracted anymore. i havent done any draft for my 4-5 page essay and it's not going to be done if i dont start. and so i did. got unagi sushi from sentry and some seaweed? plus a snapple - strawberry kiwi and i decided, one sushi after a paragraph =) it worked pretty good just cause, probably, i was hungry. it turned out great and delicious and yummy and yeah, quite good i should say.

then i went to macy's and...

bought ED Hardy shoes!!! anyone have any idea about the brand ED Hardy?? i love them but they're so damn expensive! X( but hey, those were on sale! so how do you guys like them?! i cant wear it yet though cuz it started snowing pretty think last friday.

oh yeah! it snowed last friday night! and i was there when it did. and by there i meant, outside to see the snow falling and it covered the streets that i couldnt differentiate between the street and sidewalk =P

right moving on =D


had a party and what can i say. it was pretty fun. but not that fun, for obvious reasons. well, not really that obvious. ... nahhh, i'll scratch that out - for some reasons that i dont want to mention. dont feel like it =="

hmmm what happened there? well, there were games like a fashion show which was one hell of fun! it was great great GREAT! i laughed a lot during that, and then there was a dance. a ballroom dance, which i refused to participate in but then got forced into and so, i dont really feel like blogging about it. i was just letting you guys know that there was that.

anything else?? nope, not really. got chocolates from my sis. oh! i made this valentine card for janet =) she asked for one and was joking but hey! i made it..

as summer feels.

beauty pop

Monday, February 16, 2009
at 10:17:00 PM


BEAUTY POP IS THE BEST COMIC EVER! well, not exactly but it's still GREAT GREAT GREAT! the same level as kou kou debut and charming junkie and all the other great comics out there!

btw happy bdae to susan! i know it's not 16th of feb anymore in indo but it still is in US so..

as summer feels.

i will nap no matter what

at 12:25:00 PM

hey you!

im in the library trying to do my english essay but i swear nothing's coming up! i can't think, i can't do anything and i still have 2 freaking pages left to write. so, i was thinking and thinking and thinking and


had a sudden thought : I PROMISE TO BLOG WHEN I GO HOME TODAY! AFTER NAPPING. i freaking swear i'll nap today!

yawned like crazy in philosophy this morning. ended up staring at the dude in front picking up his marker every 10 seconds. got the quiz back today - 12.5


i know it's not that good but hey, it's still an A. anyways, mark my words. im pretty damn sure i'll blog.
as summer feels.

as always

Monday, February 09, 2009
at 4:34:00 PM

okay, i've been slacking as usual not that i want to but i just couldnt help it last night and the previous night and the night before. i've been watching HELL'S KITCHEN, and it's damn good! i love love love it! really wanted to update last night but i ended up finishing the season 4. i dont know if you'll like it or not but go look it up in youtube or something. try watching it, if u have time.

okay, so the last few days.. nothing much really. just some things unusual or rather happened. i found a shortcut to the bus stop from my math class and so, i wont have to worry about missing the bus from school again. just the one after, but im still figuring out a solution that might be possible :) hmmm so, because my math class is far far away from the main bus stop, i'll get to one bus stop after by using the shortcut :D i got lost by the way, looking for the shorcut - didnt like that at all

moving on, i burnt my hand on the oven and now it's got a freaking mark. not really hand but arm? or elbow?

yeah that. it hurts and i hate that it left a mark.

anyhoo. my mom's going home tomorrow and she needs to be at memorial union at 5. so we're leaving home at 4.30 am - doesnt get any better. it's so freaking early! but hey, my mom's going home T_T"
as summer feels.

run run run

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
at 12:19:00 PM

ran for the bus this morning. i wasnt really aiming for that particular bus but it was freezing out there and i really really wanted to get into that bus so, i ran. yes, i did. the door closed but the kind driver opened it - as usual.

im not really sure if im gonna run for the bus again today after class but hmmm.. maybe i will.

u know what? something just crossed my mind. :]

maybe i should write in my blog everytime i ran for the bus and then let's say after .. a month? no, that's too long i think. a week?? yeah, probably a week then i'll count and see how many times i ran in the week. but heck, i keep running and running and my weight's still not going down. and my dad said, i got rounder. wth?
as summer feels.


Sunday, February 01, 2009
at 8:10:00 PM

just had time to tune my violin and stuff.

got this from my sister X)

plus, we cleaned the windows today - eventhough no one does cuz one, it's snowing so they're probably going to get dirty anyway. and two, it's cold. then i found out that our AC look like this from outside. but really, we dont use it at all.

as summer feels.


at 12:29:00 PM

i woke up this morning and realized ....

i grew taller. YIPEEEEEEEEEE! see that?! i dont care if people say that it's less than a cm but heck, i grew after all these years of NOT growing X]. the one below was on Jan 29th and the higher one was this morning! nyahahahhaa
as summer feels.