stamp heaven

Saturday, January 31, 2009
at 11:31:00 AM

went to middleton last night and bought a whole lot of arts and craft stuff! i was so so very happy and excited as soon as i got into the store.

there was a clearance sale and i found the stuff i needed. i love archiver's.

cost a lot though -.-"

anyhoo. something random and interesting - to me probably. susan, my calculus teacher - funny woman, really. she thinks that rationalizing denominators are "dumb". but she's thankful that our previous teachers taught all of us that just cause, then she wont have to teach us all that dumbness. hahhahha

told you it was random =="
as summer feels.

waiting for class

Thursday, January 29, 2009
at 1:24:00 PM

yes im waiting for class. i have finite at 2 so yeah, i have plenty of time. plus, since my homeworks all done for today, well not really, but anyhoo im gonna try to blog when i have time even if it's unimportant ==" at least i blogged.

okie-dokey, some stuff i missed out on the previous long and super boring posts - sorry people if im boring you out. hmmm went and did groceries last saturday and finished $100++ my mom said that we won't be doing groceries for a month after that. yeah we wouldnt! uhmmm yeah that's about it except, this guy infront of us brought out a whole stack of papers from his bag and when he had to pay. what were they? coupons. yeah, he brought a whole lot of them and he got $37.50 subtracted from his total. that's a hell lot of money!

next thing, remember above when my mom said that we wouldnt be doing groceries for a month? WRONG! we went the next day to buy apple juice. apparently we forgot and since there was no one to bring us there using car, we walked there. pretty far i should say, like twice the edgewood distance i walked.

that was tiring and cold and we bought two 1.5 litres so, it's pretty heavy. oh! and a box of oranges. then there's this shop that's closing so, there's a 25% discount for every item. it's a toy shop but mainly for little kids cuz a bunch of toys are like for below 10. my sister and i went in and looked for board games - we've been looking for one since the cranium WOW online got sold out by someone. and we found one.

The Big Taboo! and we bought it! cuz we checked online and turns out it's cheaper than if we buy it online.

anyways, that's about it. i have finite at 2 and then english at 4. looking forward to english i can say, but not the assignments. i bet he's gonna give me a whole bunch of them. gah! college people, not that great. sorry if im boring u guys out i really dont mean to.
as summer feels.

url typo

at 12:03:00 PM

okay, that was incredibly stupid of me and I am a stupid dork. yeap i am.

so, i apologize to some of my friends, who've changed my url - susan, sammy, ci joyce and cc? im so so very truly sorry. it's not it's

yes, a typo in a url. of all things. i could've checked before i saved it. i mean it's a url, something that's saved for i dont know, a while? yeah sorry about that. i feel so stupid right now.

that was why i really didnt have any idea why sammy asked about why it was flaskback. sorry about that sam, but i really didnt notice. it sounds stupid now - flaskback - what the hell is that?

and susan, it would be great to have that crossed out but it seems that it wont be anytime soon even though i walk a lot just cause, i eat a lot too. it's the cold syndrome i guess. and the stupid scale isnt working and keeps giving me a lighter weight. my mom said that it's lieing by 1.5kg but i keep thinking that it's my actual weight and that's not good - at all.

anyhoo. sorry about that ==" dont know why i keep doing these stupid stuff
as summer feels.

past few days

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
at 7:51:00 PM

righty-o i just finished my writing assignment and i have a class at 2 tomorrow so i thought why not blog? i do have philosophy hw but it's due monday and it's driving me nuts so, let's forget about that for a while shall we? i might not have a chance later on so let's do this now!

okay, last monday.. i missed the bus again. the same thing last friday but i forgot to mention that but heck, im mentioning it now! the exact same thing happened. so im walking from my maths class and it's so far far far away from the main building let alone the bus stop. so i walked out of class in a hurry, with my heavy bag - it's seriously heavy, even without the book cuz the bag's already kinda heavy =="

anyways, yeap i reached this passageway that will lead me to the bus stop but it's like 100m away and it's nanjak ?? pkkny it's like a hill, it's rising. you get what i mean =.=" yeah that and im like 5 minutes away when i saw the bus already at the stop. yes, this happened last friday and it all felt like de javu on monday and so, i had no choice but to wait for the next one that's like another 20 minutes. i didnt wait in the cold, obviously, i went into the building and waited.

reached home quite late - ate macaroni soup :) yumm!

since my backpack now is too heavy, i bought a kipling bag for my bdae :) i asked my aunt and she spontaneously said YES!

so it's gonna come im guessing next week. =D i got the email today that it just shipped! cant wait for it XDDD anyways, my books came from amazon. some new and some used but i swear the used books looked like new. it's even better than the used books from school - cheers to amazon!

and i just calculated the difference with buying the books online and from the bookstore. i saved a total of $140.38 =D isnt that great? i can totally buy something else with that!

and so, i returned all the books i bought to the bookstore.

yesterday, there was english and i have to say that I LOVE MY ENGLISH CLASS! yeah i do, i really do. all we do is talk in class and we get marks for that. included in 20% of our final grade. isnt that great? and my teacher is this weird but funny dude who's really nice and FUNNY! but i just have to say one thing though - there are a whole lot assignment though. really, like so much. i guess i kinda have gotten used to ms vanda but really, it's lots!

anyway, i missed the bus again. i was actually walking to cross the street and the light turned red as soon as i stepped on the road, so i have no choice but to wait. but the bus was already there waiting for the lights to go green and so it did. the bus stopped and waited for the passangers to get on but im still waiting for the lights to go green so i can cross the street, but heck, it left before the lights went green.

my encounters with buses - not that great. =.="

BUT my mom made lasagna and it's super YUMMY!! i love her lasagna and she actually taught my sister but i doubt it'd be that great though.

moving on...

i ran for the bus. for quite a lot of times today actually. me and buses @.@

  1. going to school.
  2. from school - i was like usual walking from calculus class and i was especially walking fast today. when i caught sight of the stop i was practically quite happy cuz the bus wasnt there so i walked and walked and walked still in a fast speed. then suddenly the bus came and i started running, with my heavy backpack. i ran like crazy and the bus door was already closed. i still ran though but thankfully the kind bus driver waited and opened the door again. got in the bus and really, i didnt have much breath to say thank you but i did anyway. and i got my bus pass and slide it. stephanie was in the bus but i couldnt even talk to her cuz i was catching my breath.
  3. when exchanging bus. i ran again. by the way, it's -10 today.. pretty warm huh? oops, im sorry that's just warmer

okay, so susan asked for some pictures of my campus but i just took some that are from my route to my maths class so, no buildings really.

it's not much but i might take more pics later on. meanwhile...

if anyone could help me? im applying for this job at the mail center and

Job Descriptions:

Mail Center Associate needed to process / sort incoming and outgoing U.S. and inter-departmental mail; operate cash register, postage meter machine, and copy machines. Additional duties will include assisting customers via counter service, delivering parcels, loading paper, servicing mail boxes, and cleaning copiers.

Skills Needed:

Basic math skills; experience using a cash register; good customer service skills; understanding and respect for private and confidential information; reliability; good work ethic; ability to lift 50 lbs.

i need to email the person why i want to work here. any reasons that'll help me get accepted?? please help, please do.
as summer feels.


at 2:33:00 PM

okay, it's been a while since i posted something up and that's all because i've been busy with homework. yeap, they're not that easy like the once back at high school and i hate them, especially english ones - people here write a lot and i cant really keep up with writing much cuz well, i just dont write much!

okay summary of the last week - my first week of school! =D


my sister's birthday - went to APPLEBEA'S for dinner and i made her a card from indo. one of my best looking cards, so i made the same design for my aunts and cousin. lol

realized that i lost my student ID. and what's great is : it's not even the first day yet. my oh my


first day of school! no, scratch that, college! it's still freezing cold and i'm riding the bus to edgewood. so here's my routine everyday:

go to the bus stop near home.
ride the bus.
get down somewhere near university ave.
cross the street.
wait for another bus.
get on the bus.
stop at edgewood.
walk 100m ++ from road to campus building.

yeap, i kinda walk a lot here. the classes are way far at the ends and i keep missing the bus home =="

my class schedule :

Calculus I - MTWF at 1-1.50
Finite Maths - TR 2-2.50
Philosophy - MWF 9-9.50
College Writing - TR 4-5.50

moving on ...


more classes! early in the morning at 9 so i have to leave home before 8 for the 7.57 bus. then after philosophy i hang around at the library. well, that's what i do basically while waiting for class - hang around in the library. basically, it's my second home, here. so yeah, i wait there till 1. bought a whole lot of books that really damn expensive. campus bookstore really takes a lot of profit i guess. but that's really what they do. they do it at bbs too i think.

got my student ID for $5.


same thing. classes plus assignments. got a whole bunch from english. arghh! i hate english assignments. left school at 6 and got to university ave around 6.14-ish. i was crossing the street to the other bus stop when, the bus came. i ran across the street and i kept saying to myself " don't go don't go" and it didnt. but when i reached the stop, there were people lining up and the bus was already full. the last person was even standing on the door ans i swear if the door just closed immediately i would've seen someone got squished pretty badly. so i waited for around 20 minutes in the super cold weather. i mean, the wind was just hell i tell you! it was freaking cold and my hands were like shaking. and there was a lot of people waiting so the bus stop was full and so, i cant get a seat and get the wind block by the walls =="

but i got into the bus, eventually and stood cuz the bus was also full. usually in the bus, you can hear the gps say the location you've reached but it didnt that day! the gps was off or something and i cant really see through the windows cuz there's this big drawing outside the bus and it's covering the windows, plus it's dark. and so as soon as i saw this apartment that i memorized to be near my house, i got ready to pull the stringy thing. after another stop, i got down and CRAP! it was the wrong stop. i got sown 2 stops away and i had to walk the whole way. it was like from bbs to TA. how long is that? yeah, it's probablu that far. and it was dark and the streets were like lonely and creepy and i just bought a whole new sets of books that were darn heavy!

i literally fell to the floor as soon as i reached home and i didnt move for 5 minutes. i just layed there infront of the door like a dead fish. lol

ordered books from amazon today and all the books are available. it'll reach here by monday!


after classes went volleyball. met more of my sister's friends. went for some meeting which was totally boring. had no idea and didnt want to have any idea of it. got home late and tired. slept!


bowling! yeap, it's the welcome party by PERMIAS for new students - that's me and stephanie!played bowling then ate at china 1 buffet. went to church after that - te catholic one this time.


homework mostly and had CNY dinner at my sister's friend's apartment. ate a lot AGAIN - im eating so much these days and i still feel hungry. i dont really know why - must be the cold. and the scale is a bit broken i think, it's telling me a light weight everytime and im pretty sure i gained quite some weight here, since im eating a lot.

well, that's about it! the summary of the 1st week of college.

and i've been thinking of changing the blog url but i got nothing except dustremover - just cause there's a dust remover infront of my face now. hmm im not sure yet. maybe something will snap up in my mind suddenly.

sorry, that was somehow unimportant ==" it'd be totaly freakishly weird to have
as summer feels.

promised to blog

Saturday, January 24, 2009
at 9:30:00 AM

okay so on thursday i made a deal with sammy that we'd blog after school but i didnt. so sorry sam ==" but i really didnt have time. i missed the bus from school therefore arrived home late. went volleyball and then got stuck in a meeting where i have no idea what was going on. the meeting went on for hours. well, not exactly hours but it was more than one and a half and i was totally bored - i didnt know what was going on.

anyways got home really late and i was really tired so i couldnt blog. and im not really free to blog now cuz im in a hurry. but i promise promise promise to blog about this first week of college when im free! =)
as summer feels.

madison so far

Thursday, January 15, 2009
at 7:32:00 AM

i've been really wanting to post something up since so long ago, but i just didnt have the mood and like vina said before, dont blog when you're not in the mood. just wouldnt sound right. but, since i wanted to blog and i guess i still woke up too early so im gonna write something down.

a couple of things you people missed after the last never ending post- bowling! yep, i went bowling last sunday with a coulpe of my sister's friends. i was third highest for the second game :) and i got to strike once. okay, i admit. it's not that good but hey, i got third among the rest ... who cant really play -.-" bah! i cant play either then :]

after that, we went to church at blackhawk. there's two types one is the more religous room on the west side? or east? either one. and then there's this place called the video cafe - if i got it right - ont the opposite. it's really cool cuz u got chairs neatly arranged and then at the back, there's this place where the tables and chairs are arranged in a kinda starbucks manner. and during the whole preaching and stuff you can actually get free coffee from outside and bring it in to drink. cool eyh?

the difference between the west and east is that the video cafe gives a more rock or younger feel i guess. cuz the songs are kinda like hillsong's and there's the drum and guitar and stuff. whereas the opposite side is kinda the organ and violin side so it's kinda mellow. but the preaching is the same at both cuz they got a video on each so one room can see what the preaching is on the other.

didnt do anything on monday except that i made inari! yeap all by myself. can you guess which one my sister made and which one i made?

no? see the two fat ones on the side? my sis made that nyahhahah XDD no wonder whe gains weight lol. nahhh just kidding! so we cleaned the whole house. i have my own table now. we vaccumed the place. the kitchen and living room is looking great and surprisingly after adding a table into the room, there was much more space. confused? dont worry, i am too. one thing though is not done - the closet. my mom just dtarted yesterday and nope, it's still not finished.

after the tidying up, i made a peach ice tea in a 3.75 litre pitcher and since it was too heavy, i was scared that it might break the fridge door so i put it outside. yes, i put it on the balcony.

see that? after like 15 minutes, it's all nice and cold. tastes good too :)

i got my debit card - got to choose how the card looks like :) my sis didnt. and i got my blackberry bold for my bdae =D oh! i'll get to my bdae presents later on. =P

moving on. so yesterday was my first day of orientation. it was freezing cold when we waited for the bus. -19 or something, i checked. it was even more freezing when we waited for the second bus. arrived late but somehow just in time for an activity. there were 8 other students already there. the girls - korea, singapore, mexico, slovakia, france the guys - korea, thailand, turkey

later i found out that stephanie - from singapore - came from indo. yipee a friend! but the others were nice too. not to mention the people there was also nice. sara friar - our international advisor i think, actually lives on the same building as i do. whooo! cheers to that! was thinking of car pooling, lol.

anyways, had my english placement test. topic : why do gays speak up? summary + essay. summary was hard cuz well, i hate summaries but the essay was okay. but im nt getting my hopes high though. got fetched by my sister's friend cu i dont know how to ride the bus back and it was cold so, yeah she picked me up with her car. she was with her boyfriend who i also knew and somehow, just somehow, i felt like their .... daughter. =.="

not looking forward to tomorrow. seriously i just want to play and play and play.
as summer feels.


Saturday, January 10, 2009
at 11:06:00 AM

i just ate something my sister gave me. it's either an apple but it tastes like grape or it's a grape that looks like an apple~
as summer feels.

arrived and freezed

at 9:21:00 AM

hey everyone! im finally in my sister's apartment. i just woke up and it's 9 o'clock in the morning. gotta change the time settings after this.

snow's covered the balcony and froze the pool.

anyways, my sister said to me in japan that there's gonna be thick snow at chicago when i arrived so i had to text her if there was any delay. but there wasnt so, i thought there wasnt any snow. turns out, there was some pretty thick snow. but the plane landed anyway.

i was next to the window so i saw everything. like when we were way up above the clouds then we went lower and everything turned white. and then we went lower but i couldnt really tell the difference cuz it was all white. then there was a slight unexpected bump which meant that we landed. but it was all white and after we landed, it was still white. but the wind was pretty strong and snow was covering the wings in no time.

i brought my violin with me and i asked the stewardess to keep it for me. she was very very nice. :) i wasnt sitting next to my mom - stupid woman at indo gave us separate seats on our second flight. dumbass. since i was all alone with strangers she always helped me :) nice person.

anyways, at customs, we didnt get any of our bags checked just cuz of a little conversation with the really really kind guy behind the desk. trust me this post'll be on conversations i had.

man : is that a machine gun or a violin? *smile
me : it's a violin *grin
man : are you a violinist?
me : no, not really
man : you play the violin?
me : yeah
man : are you any good?
me : im okay. *smile
man : oh.. so u're going to university of wisconsin?
me : no
man : then why are you going to wisconsin?
me : cuz im gonna study at edgewood
man *big smile* okay, good enough for me.

and then we passed. lucky us. :) we went out and started to look for the bus. i went back and forth to ask peole on how to buy tickets for the bus but no one knew. gosh. and there was no one on the information desk. but the speaker and everyone i asked told me repeatedly to ask the information desk. then what i did was, everytime there was a bus with the name "Coach USA" on it, i ran to the front and asked the driver where it was going. apparently bcuz of the snow, everyone was late and behind schedule.

it was really freezing outside, everytime the doors opened the wind blew in and i was already freezed out. but since i ran outside every now and then, i kinda gotten used to it for a bit. i wore my jacket and then a coat. it was pretty warm. but my legs werent. by the time i ran outside like three times, they were already quite wet :( made my toes freeze.

my mom brought some dollars for us and we wanted to buy mcdonalds at the airport. it was right infront of the exit door so, we couldnt really avoid it. but the woman was pretty annoyed or she annoyed me cuz everytime someone came close to her she'd say this " hello, can i help you?" in her annoyed indian accent. it turned out that my mom didnt have any small cash with her cuz the money changers in indo didnt have anything else besides $100 bills so, she had to bring all her small bills, but they werent really enough for the bus fare so, we had to buy something. when i went to mcdonalds, i was holding a hundred and the woman immediately said " sorry, no change for hundred."

immediately went back to my mom. gosh, she didnt even smile. did she evn like her job. urgghh! annoyed me. so i went to the place nect to mcd which was pretty empty. i bought a pretzel and the guy was pretty nice to give me some change. while he heated the pretzel, we had this talk.

guy : where are you from?
me : indonesia.
guy : japan?
me : no, indonesia

gosh, do i look luke a japanese. it's enough to get that on the plane and in japan but here in chicago too. no, i dont look like a frikkin japanese!

then after waiting for 3 hours, i found the right bus but the driver said he wanted to load up first. so we had to be back out there in 20 minutes. but since i didnt want to be left behind, my mom and i took all our stuff and went out. teap we did. and it was freezing so we waited in a little plastic space like a bus stop. it was open so it was still pretty freezing. after around 5 minutes, my mom couldnt take it so i told her to go in the airport while i wait out here for the stuff.

i was using a coat so i was warm enough but my legs were pretty cold. especially my toes, plus my shoes are wet so.. yeah it kinda felt like a stone. so i sat down - the seat was cold too, everything was - then i took my shoes off, and i covered my toes with my hands. worked out pretty well, it was warm enough for my toese to move around but it turned cold again in no time so i had to put my shoes back on and then warm my hand inside my pocket and then repeat it again.

the driver was in the bus loading up and when he was done, he went out and asked me.

driver : why didnt you wait inside? i told you, be back out here in 20 minutes.
me : yeah i know but i was scared that i'd missed the bus cuz i've waited for three hours for the bus to come.
driver : dont worry, i wouldnt have left yah.
me : *smile* thank you

then he carried our bags to the luggage thingy. i asked about the tickets and he said "just sit down and relax, dont worry about it" super nice man. i swear he really was.

slept in the bus. it was a three hour journey and when we arrived, we had to wait for my sister in the snow. it was cold, again. and i was standing on snow which made it worse. my mom couldnt take it anymore, so she waited inside the memorial union - that was our stop - and we took turns guarding the bags. she only had a really thick jacket which really couldnt take the cold so, she really couldnt take it.

it was colder than the airport and i was shivering real hard. i swear, the shiver were in pretty large movements. called my sister a few times and when she came, i was still freezing. we waited with this korean guy who also waited together with me for the bus at the airport. poor guy, he was still there when we took off.

my sister's friends are pretty nice, they fetched us and took us back home. :) then they said, if we needed anything, just call them. hehhehe pretty nice people.

hoaaahh! reached my sister's aprtment and damn it was messy. she had lots and lots of shoes and my mom just couldnt really take it and she decided to tidy the rack immediately. she went into my sister's room and the bed was already done. but, the closet was hell. again, she couldnt take it anymore so she tidied things up but it was still messy. it was late and she was tired so she let it go. she's doing the kitchen now. been doing that for an hour~

living room~

our bed~

closet~ after my mom tidied.

mom didnt really have the energy to tidy this part~

i got my sister's desktop but the keyboard's covered so i gotta get used to it first. mind me, if there's any typo.

we were hungry, so i made food, believe it or not. it was my first time so, they had to bear with it. my sister hasnt done the groceries so there wasnt much in the fridge. some meat, mushroom, brocolli, mixed veggie, one susage and some other stuff. so i made some brocolli with garlic. and then i mixed meat, onion, garlic, mushroom, susage into one adding soy sauce, something like royco, kecap manis, teriyaki and then mixed it all together. of course i put the things like meat ang garlic first so the meat can be done first. it turned out pretty good and my mom even praised me =D im not that bad a cooker after all!

im going to walmart at 12, then maybe the movies, then maybe to macy's and then maybe do some groceries.
as summer feels.


Thursday, January 08, 2009
at 6:38:00 PM

im bored. im frikkin bored~

i still have a few more hours and i got nothing to do. i dont even know what to do on the internet, geez.. maybe i should just sleep. didnt have enough sleep one the plane.

food was nice :) quite yummy!
as summer feels.


at 6:23:00 PM

im in japan for transit~
everything's frikkin clean and the people are all in a hurry. i took JAL and the people there seems to think that my mom and i are japanese? what's with them? do i look japanese? i dont think so.

gosh, i have a five hour transit and now there's about three hours left.

got nothing to do~
as summer feels.

might want to buy a new one

at 4:35:00 AM

OMFG! I JUST RIPPED A FRIKKIN PAGE FROM BREAKING DAWN. SHIT SHIT SHIT! i was about to take those little tags i used to mark the page and it ripped the page!
took some scotch to fix it, RIPPED ANOTHER SCAR RIGHT OFF!! GAAHHH! this cannot get any better =.="
as summer feels.

kiss n fly

at 2:00:00 AM

hey all! been a while since i last blogged~


sleepover. watched P2.. frikkin psycho~ quite fun actually :) too bad not all could come but still, it was FUN!

birthday presents, no pics yet! promise to take a pic once i reach wisconsin. brought some stuff with me. perfume - thanks jie, suze and ratna! hehhe i love it! love love love IT! the whole packaging is wayyy awesome! looks like some kind of potions from those fairytales.

lava lamp. it wasnt that cool at first, especially with the price still sticking on it. gosh boys, please please please check next time u buy a present. i dont know whether it's the real price or anything, i dont really care. and not to mention, it didnt work at first! XDDD but it is now! and it's been on as my night lamp for these few couple of days here. but now it's in my suitcase cuz im gonna bring it to wisconsin. my sister's night lamp's really ugly so well, i'll come and fix things up!

oh the bags! thank you thank you! i love them! brought both of them.

watched AUSTRALIA and it's frikkin awesome! and frikkin LOOONG.. yes, it is. should've ended way shorter and then make a sequel but hell, HUGH JACKMAN IS ONE FRIKKIN HOT MAN! seriously. i mean ... whoaaa! and nicole kidman totally suits him. plus they're both australian! but he's got a wive and all so, let's just stick to the fact that he's still HOT! eventhough he's old. really old. 30 something? whatever.. he's still hot STOP.

filled an application for a scholarship of $500 last night. really tired. stayed up till one and im still pretty sleepy. i couldnt think of any answer. i mean, look at the frikkin question man..

Please describe any personal challenges, obstacles you have overcome, or other life experiences that make you a strong candidate for this award. (maximum 150 words)

it's like the movie 21! the guy in the movie has that story which "dazzles". what did i have? thought about it for long and i just wrote something that doesnt really answered the question and it shouldnt have taken such a long time. but hey, it's a pretty tough question when your life is filled with boredom.
anyways, my sister sent me a map of chicago's airport and it's really cute that their way of saying "departure" is "kiss n fly". seriously. google it if you dont believe me :)

anyways, im leaving in 4 hours to the airport. then, im gonna kiss n fly to japan. n then i'll just fly to chicago.

goodbye all~ im gonna miss you guyz so so very much! ♥ you guys are the BEST!

as summer feels.

it's been a great hour

Friday, January 02, 2009
at 12:34:00 PM

i'm sixteen~
as summer feels.

happy new year 2009!

Thursday, January 01, 2009
at 6:40:00 AM


it's new year's! happy new year all!

so yesterday's potluck was pretty fun! the food're yummy and i met my cousins! i met my cousin jessica and she's having her sweet 17 on feb. geez, im so so sad that im not going to be there cuz im gonna be leaving in ... exactly 7 days - that's one week left for me to play around in indo T_T" anyways, jessica's sweet 17 has got lots of stuff that makes me want to be there!! she's got VJ Daniel as her MC and then there's a photobox! and since i'm her cousin, i can take pictures with him >.<" in the photobox too!

but im not gonna be there. so, there's really no reason for me to get all excited about it.

anyways, i was going to post the photos but i forgot to bring the usb thingy so, yeah.

after that, my dad, mom and i went to GI to stay at the hotel. we ate at smoke crab or something, some seafood restaurant. not really that tasty but it's okay.

around 10.30ish my dad and i went down to the streets - bunderan HI. and it was frikkin crowded. again, pictures coming soon. there's a lot of fireworks too! i've never been out for new year's so it's really something new for me. then, my dad decided to wait in the room for midnight since there's a lot of smoke around and so we went up. but i was too tired i guess, i just slept and i didnt see the real new year crowd below.

i'll talk more about the stay and the night together with the pics! :)
as summer feels.