new year's potluck
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 9:34:00 PM
so it's new year's eve today!! and my grandparents invited us for potluck lunch. =D i get to meet my cousins!my mom's making salad and something else, and im currently helping her make the salad. i didnt offer help but she just forced me into it since she's kinda late. im gonna take a shower after this and then get ready for the event.
yesterday, my dad said that tonight we're gonna go and stay at kempinski XDD wohooo!! but im afraid it might not happen cuz he's not even sure of it yet. yep, kempinski isnt even open yet but we're going for the trial, cuz my dad's boss kinda owns it and so.. well, yeah, he offered. nope not offered really but anyhoo, i hope we're still staying there. and i totally charged my camera ready for today's lunch and tonight cuz the last time, i only took a horrid picture infront of the ritz carlton christmas tree with my dad's hp. not guuud :( and it was after breakfast so, i havent really taken a shower yet.. gosh! horrid horrid memory..
anyways, till then, i'll post up some pics and of course tell u how it went :)
as summer feels.
__________________________________dyed my hair
Friday, December 26, 2008 at 3:56:00 AM
i did. i seriously did.
as summer feels.
__________________________________newton's secret santa
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at 3:23:00 AM
so today, we had our xmas party! BUT before that, i had to wake early in the morning [darn it! *shakes fist!* ] and go check my blood. we reached there around 7ish and i got injected. again. my blood's taken this time, and the frikkin needle's so darn big! anyways, my mom and dad had to go back two hours after eating so, we went to eat near there. something called gudeg but i didnt ate any. not really interested to even try it :( but my dad seemed to really like it -.-"
yesh2, after that, we still had 1 1/2 hours, so all three of us went to the grand lucky. it's a super market near pacific place and it sells imported stuff somekind like ranch market. hehehee and it's been a while since all three of us went shopping for food and stuff together :) i usually do this with my mom, but this time, my dad came along but he went to the toilet half of the time. dont know why -.-"
after that i went to fetch irene after buying some chicken wings from pizza hut. we went straight to allison's sports club and they were there already. some of them - ally, bella, angela, philip, kenny, janet, mickey, anthony, steven. they already started eating.
some of the food - allison's lasagna was great! she made it herself :) yum yum! angela's mom made fetteucini. is that how u spell? philip made his own jelly drink. it was actually really nice. i love the sourness of the drink but the jelly's a bit plain. mmm oh! kenny's shrimp roll? or watever roll that is was really really nice. especially with the dip and all. a bit spicy but still... REALLY REALLY NICE :) i even saved the number on my hp. lol there wasnt any address. mmm anything else?? im nt sure but that's about all i remember
next, i pushed shaun into the pool XDDDD and he came to seek revenge but i gave an excuse - im going to the church after :) lucky me, he bought it cuz i really thought he wouldnt, knowing him. then, secret santa. i think. but the major events after - secret santa! i saw mine with a big tag with my name on it. hmmphh.. disappointed. REAL DISAPPOINTED. i mean look at it.
see what i mean? yesh yesh. very. the others were like " ooohh thankyou!" "ohhh this is what i wanted." i mean allison's gift was like "WOW!" lucky caroline. and then u see mine. yeshh
recognize the writing?! yeap, it's from non other that JANET. yes, it's from her but im nt bugging her. it's her present. i gave a face to irene and mickey was beside her. lol, she said out loud "SO SAD.." yes, so sad. but i wanted to appreciate her gift. and so i said thanks to janet. i think she saw my face and well, to tell you the truth, it wasnt very happy. but i tried, i really tried. i did janet! and i think she saw me and then she went " OPEN IT OPEN IT!" and so i did.
inside.. candies, for sure!
but then, what's this?! a silver thing... i pulled it out and.. a bracelet!
a cute one XDD and it's got my name on it :) and an apple which allison thought is a symbol of twilight! XP THANKS JANET! that was a real surprise! and i love it!

and i love the way you hid it! im gonna remember this like FOREVER!
my expressions when i got this :
1. disappointed

2. whoaa what's that?!

3. love it.

they all went in the water after that :( and i didnt bring my camera. still havent charge it yet =P but it was a great party. bella gave me a xmas letter XDDD i love the inside. she wrote something for me. THANKS BELL! the party was fun, but after reading bella's note, it felt like a farewell party.
anywayz, im going to miss them LOADS when i go, FOR SURE! u guys are the best best best!!!
as summer feels.
__________________________________i hate waiting
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 7:13:00 AM
okay, so i was in the hospital by 9. around that time. and i got the number A5. i was pretty happy about that cuz that's kinda at the beginning and the last time i was here i got a C3. each alhabet goes on until 10. so, it was a long line.i was early in the morning and the doctor wasnt there yet. not that big a deal. it's still morning, how long could he be late? an hour max?! yeah, that's what i thought.
so i waited till 10.30 and i was pretty hungry. so my mom and i went down to the canteen. my mom ate some snacks and i ate her granola bar. went back upstairs after that. nope, not there yet. waited longer till around 11. and then, i was really hungry. like really really. i just ate jelly in the morning cuz i thought, "nah it's just an injection. wouldnt take long, then i'd go to my cousins house and eat lunch!" okay, so i went to oh lala cafe and ate a croissant sandwich.
went up after that. NOPE, NOT THERE YET! gosh, that's really bugging me. in the end, the doctor came at around 12 and thank god i was in the front of the line. he's got a great big pile of files of patients. but hell, i waited for 3 hours man. grrr i hate waiting!
then i went to my cousins house. went to a clothes shop. bought some clothes. pretty nice. went to eat lunch at pizza hut. then to the new megamall which they call now as pluit village -.-" bought a pair of aviator :) and i got my bdae present XDDD from my mom, i think. or from my dad too ^^
tomorrow's the xmas party. i just have to make sure that i dont forget my secret santa XP
as summer feels.
__________________________________ho's farewell
Monday, December 22, 2008 at 7:06:00 PM
it was ho's farewell last nite. i went home after going to GI to change - eventhough i was already late - then i went to pancious. mind you, it's 5 minutes away from my aprtment.bought a kind of kemeja from S&K. i was actually surprised because my mom actually let me buy it. i know i kinda have a lot of stuff from S&K but they're usually on discount or i used vouchers n stuff. it's like a totally rare occasion but she actually bought it for me :) i'll take a picture of it next time. im in my dad's office. my frickin computer's got some virus again. what's with my computer and viruses?! they keep getting attached X(
went to gramed and found this really really huge me2u bear. i love it and i want it.
it's so sweet rite?! imagine a guy giving u stuff like that?! aaaaarghhh! i was so happy i wasnt desperato anymore last nite. okay, maybe it's just temporary :) i hope it is.
ate like a whole lot of food. fetteuchini mushroom - my favourite menu, plus the fries!! gosh fatty fatty fatty stuff but so so very delicious! i wanted to bring my camera but i wasnt really in the mood to take pictures and i was pretty positive that someone actually brought theirs :) there wasnt any battery anyway. lol so no photos here. they'll all upload in facebook i guess.
going to the hospital right after this for more injections. gah! i hate them. they hurt.
as summer feels.
__________________________________xmas celeb
Friday, December 19, 2008 at 3:53:00 AM
again, im slacking. but im not gonna let that happen! :)yesterday, my mom and i went to the dentist in the morning. he said my teeth were clean. hooray! but i still need to clean them more properly. jeez. anywayz, we went to mangdu after that. bought accesories and clothes. ahahhah great fun!
moving on...
today was the xmas celebration at school. susan and ratna came. in UNIFORMS! yeap, apparently they've been lied to. ahahhaah i wonder who did that. =P it was nice. the story choreographed by ci ririn. GREAT! jordy's dancing. GREAT! he even got slapped. lol and there was a slow motion scene. ahahhaha wished i videod it. anyhoo, it was my last day as a student of bbs so im gonna cross out one of my wishlists for sure! at last... :)
as summer feels.
__________________________________beanie + swollen eye
Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 6:17:00 AM
gah! i've been slacking on posting stuff. not really in the mood but the pathetic blog post on twilight reminded me.nothing great about the last few days. except that i went to puri with susan and ratna. played piano n violin at susan's before that. went to the dentist. school on friday, watched pan's labyrinth and transformers. had practice yesterday AND today. ugh! i hate practice. and mmm oh! i slept a whole lot. details later on. but they're all not really interesting to post. no, actually im nt really in the mood to rewind my mind to the past.
so i decided to post about my beanies!
i've been wanting a beanie since God knows when. i have one - no wait, two actually - but they're not that comfy. and they dont look that great too, on me.
here's the first one i bought. i dont know why i bought it, it didnt look that good off me, let alone on me. it's not good. not not good. and i dont think i'll ever wear it.

my next one.

my sister bought this and i insisted that i liked it very much and i'll wear it. but i only wore it once and my dad took this to US and he said it's not warm enough. im still considering to bring it or not though.
then i found this.

this is the best, man! i love this. it's warm, comfy AND MY MOM MADE THIS! hell yeah, she did. i was like 8 or something. this was totally years ago and it still fits! and look, it's got the ball looking thing on top. ahahhaha it's cute right?!

thanks mom! im going to ask her to make me one with a huge star on it. lol. just something that came to my mind.
oh! and my eye's swollen.

see it? i dnt think u can see it in the pic, i look kinda scary. duh!
it was swollen in the morning but it got better now. my mom gave it some medicine. it was really swollen this morning that i wore my glasses to the practice. to cover my eyes up but my mom insisted that the glasses keep dust from coming in.
and the reason behind this swollen eye is because of TOO MUCH SLEEP. lol. XP
as summer feels.
__________________________________student visa
Tuesday, December 09, 2008 at 10:19:00 PM
i got it. lol. today - the right day of appointment. i waited in line then when i was about to go in, they said my dad cant come in so i had to do this all by myself. gosh, i wasnt prepared man. i didnt know how much money i brought, how to pay, what i was supposed to do. clueless.i went in and started asking everyone around me. yesh, i meant everyone. i dont even know them but i went ahead and asked anyway. then as i got closer to the cashier, someone from the embassy checked my documents and stuff. then he said my photo was wrong. i had to retake it. gosh. my car was gone, thank god i took my dad's cell so i could call my driver.
the guy said : kmu k jln sabang aj tar di sana kmu foto lgi. deket kok, tpi hrus naek kendaraan. naek bajai aj.
lol. bajai?? wth?! is that even how u spell it? ahahahhaha but thank god my driver arrived already so i rushed out after paying. i even felt like i was in the amazing race lol. i kept asking my driver to hurry, and then i ran out of the car and was rather impatient for the photos to be done. the amazing race it is.
then i went back into the embassy but the crowd that i asked and started to feel comfortable with was already in. so i had to ask a new crowd. but in front of me unfortunately infront of me stood a dad, and his two sons. the dad was just standing still and the two sons were yanking away calling people names. he named a cleaning service "a chinese guy". called each other jackass and asshole. they just talked and talked and talked. nonstop. what are they, girls?
went in and waited for the locket thing or idk what they called it but it was for the interview thing. the family was infront of me again when i was lining up for the interview thing. they were from sph i guess. i heard it from somewhere.
then my turn came. the person was friendly,but he realy took a long time. he turned off the mic and went away - to ask questions to his neighbour i guess - like 3 times. that made me really nervous but hell, i got it dude! i was so so so relieved cuz lots of them got rejected and stuff like that. they've been saying stuff like " sorry, i cant give the visa to you" or "sorry, u're not qualified" or something like that through the mic and everyone in the whole room could hear.
anyways, thrilled that i got it. im pretty proud that i did it by myself too. :)
as summer feels.
__________________________________beyond stupidity
Monday, December 08, 2008 at 6:50:00 PM
just got back from the US embassy and gah! i did the stupidest thing on the planet. you might look at the time, it's 7.41. who on earth would do something stupid this early in the morning? uh huh, i did.i woke up real early today, 5am. got ready and stuff, then went to the US embassy. met sammy there, arrived together somehow. then, while waiting in line, i saw, anthony. okay, that was pretty weird, i knew some poeple here today.
then when i went to the part where they checked us, gosh gosh gosh. urrrrrgghhhh the person asked for my ticket, and whooops! the appointment i made was on the 10th. which was tomorrow.
seriously, i had this conversation with my dad about this before.
i clearly told him : dad, kok di calendarku tgl 10 yah?
dad : kmu salah tulis kali. tgl 9 kok, hri selasa.
me : emankny dad udah check?
dad : udah kok. tgl 9.
and it's on the freaking 10th! gahhhhhh. was i embarrassed? hell yeah! but most of all, i was so furious. urgggghhhh cant imagine THIS had to happen to me. i havent even heard such a thing about someone coming on the wrong day of the appointment.
really bad start of the day. oh and my dad cant make it tomorrow, so i have to go there by myself. grrrrrrrrrr so pissed off. i had to skip pe for nothing. yesterday was at least better even with all the nonsense i had. i got this guy calling my cell kinda like blackmailing me. urrggghhh never picked up a call of his. gosh, why cant he just stop?!
anywayz, im heading for achool in a moment, or i'll miss out the whole week today. and, i'll probably get more angrier staying at home, might end up breaking something like my psp which is right in front of my face at the moment, and there's no battery in it. it didnt come on for a single second. worth throwing on the floor?
hope school's better.
as summer feels.
__________________________________back off
at 6:53:00 AM
omg dude, back off! quit bugging me aroundas summer feels.
Saturday, December 06, 2008 at 9:32:00 AM
i just came back from watching twilight and whoaaaaaaaaa.. it kinda sucked to see that the movie kinda missed out a lot from the book. i mean A LOOOTTT! seriously, im so thankful that i watched the movie after reading the book, so i kinda know what they really talked about. nyah! but i guess it is kinda expected - the book will always be better.but other than that, edward cullen/robert pattinson is so freaking amazingly HOT! gosh, robert pattinson really looks awesome in the scene with his shades on. awhhhh gosh gosh gosh. jeez, he looks totally hot and not to mention stylish. he got his brittish accent off during the movie, but i love him either way..
im sleeping over in my cousins house. and dang! we had lots of fun. been a while since i last slept over.
oh! and i swear, this only happened to me while im with my cousin. gosh! last time we watched a movie together, there wasnt any sound. the other time, the film got cut off. and last night, damn. the movie got cut off like three times. yeah, that's three freaking times. must something about us huh?
as summer feels.
Friday, December 05, 2008 at 9:13:00 AM
as summer feels.
__________________________________made cards
at 3:29:00 AM
im back from making cards and it was awesome! learned lots of stuff.i went there since 12 and made cards for almost 4 hours. i made these 3 cards and i can actually say that im proud of myself.

i brought home lots of clear rubber stamps which i plan to buy but im not sure which one. i came up with these 3 but my mom said that i have to choose 2 between these three. im confused. which two do u people think i should buy?

i tried the song by yiruma. the bella's lullaby and well, it wasnt that hard but it wasnt that easy. it was just okay. i tried playing till the second page and im goina to try last page after this. i havent ate anything since morning so im gonna hop to the fridge to find something to eat. hopefully something enough, im kinda hungry. -.-" i eat a lot these days. gah!
as summer feels.
__________________________________im looking forward for..
Thursday, December 04, 2008 at 8:33:00 PM
yeahhh it's a great day. or im looking forward to see if it's a great day. my mom n dad left early in the morning. and i dont have school. or more likely im skipping school. and i just woke alone in the house and i can do whatever i want now. lol. im going to take a shower at 11.45 and go 3 floors up to tante mell's house to learn rubber stamping ^^
i dont know wat to do now. maybe i'll have breakfast. look for something in the fridge. then im going to learn bella's lullaby. i hope i dont get bored so i can play it immediately! wish me luck.
as summer feels.
__________________________________happy bdae ho :)
at 10:46:00 AM
it's ho's bdae today. happy bdae ho!
just got back from the whole surprise party. so here was the plan. caroline planned it like way before. not so long ago. but still it was pretty planned out.
puran bought a cake again. and we clebrated after maths test - it was really hard. i didnt study but then again, i dont need the marks. ^^ he made a wish like this.
looks like he's peeing doesnt it. lol allison and i figured that out when looking through the photos. then he blew the candles.
and we took pictures.
after school, we all went home early but some of us stayed behind a bit late just so he wouldnt get suspiscious. janet, caroline, ratna, susan and me went with allison's car. as usual ho was always next to caroline and caroline said that she had to go home with allison since no one could pick her up. she called ho's sister too, to make sure that no one could pick him up and so he had to go home with wilhan, who had to made him stay at school as long as possible so we coulg reach his house first - with the assistance of gianni i guess.
so janet and i went out of the school and ran to allison's car first taking the back seat while we waited for caroline to be sent off by ho. to our surprise, ho came to the car and like stayed there for god knows how long. he was literally asking questions - like loads of them. and janet and i were like bending over at the back so he coulndt see us. we were like giggling quite loud but i guess he didnt hear us. it was like ages. we still had to bend over when the car started moving cuz he was still there. duh?!
after like a few seconds the car closed, my handphone rang. ratna called. omg im like so thankful that it didnt ring when ho was still there. gosh! my handphone starts rnging at the very wrong times. last time in allison's surprise party, it was all dark and we were all quiet waiting for ehr to come and then my handphone started ringing out of no where. i was so damn embarassed. *.*
oh well, moving on. ratna called cuz she was in school already and she wanted to know where we were. then caroline showed us the cake she made for ho which was so sweeeeet and made i guess some of us desperato? or maybe it was just me. gah! anyway, there was two strawberries and one of them got busuk cuz she didnt put it in the fridge. i still cant believe she didnt do that.
lol. anyway we took it off and decided to cut the one that's still gud in half.
picked up angela from her lesson. she skipped school today to study. ckckckkckck then helena. then we went to pizza hut to get the pizzas. janet, ratna, susan and i stayed in the car cuz well, we were at the back and males kaliii turun2 bwt ap. then a car came to the side and i was like : eh maminya ho maminya ho maminya ho! lol. then we started talking about moms. such a random topic -.-" well, in the end his mom payed for the whole pizza and then we left to continue on the surprise.
went to his house, amazed by the grandeur of his house. i've been there before but still i was in awe. it was so damn huge! anyways, we went to his home theater and saw balloons on the ceiling. wow! great job tante. she helped decorated.
we all went to his room and got amazed by the most random things i swear. his closet cuz when u slide it open the lights turned on by itself. the cleanliness of his room. i bet it's his maid who cleans it though. lol. and other stuff lahhh. so caroline bought trumpets and crazy strings and we tok whichever one we wanted. i took a trumpet of course and started honking everywhere.
someone said that se shouldnt be honking like crazy in the room cuz he could hear us from downstairs. guess it was daniel, he goes around like it's his house. what can i say? they're cousins. then we strated planning out the hiding/supposedly surprise. not long, we heard a knock. everyone became quiet and philip opened the door as if to see that we were hiding from a ghost or something. no one.
i took my position, behind the bed and then caroline opened the door to check. she froze, ho was already there coming. then she just managed to close the door again and did nothing when ho peeked in. SURPRISE!!!! unsuccessful but he was so damn happy. smiling all the way from ear to ear the whole time.
then it was time for pizza! i was so starving and i had t eat right away. perfect timing. then we went to his home theater and watched the messenger. we spent a whole 30mins more or less, to pick a movie. gagh! but the messenger was scaryyy.. ho picked it. since it was his bdae. then after the movie, we had nothing to do.
his dad and sister came home. and when we were asking for water, her sister asked us what we did and all. they were all so happy. i guess they loved him so much cuz it seems like if he's happy, then they are all happy. they were smiling so very widely too! we watched his dad feed his fish with jangkrik and stuff. lol. then we had to go home.
took pictures in front of his house. then we all voted on the plan for saturday. where to go. but that didnt turn out well, it was still undecided. as usual.
went home to allison's house and stayed for quite long waiting or my dad. im so sorry allison, i've been doing that for quite some time. she showed me her rubber stamp collection and i asked for the photos. she let me hear yiruma's bella's lullaby and it was so so nice! i'm thinking of learning it but it was late and my parents would be like go to sleep and all. so i just found the music sheet. im gonna try tomorrow.
overall, a great day!
as summer feels.
__________________________________i feel like crying
Monday, December 01, 2008 at 5:51:00 AM
it's been a week since i came back to's been ages since i updated this blog.
it's pathetic to see that my last post is on twilight.
so..... nothing extravagant about school. i go out during chem, sit and read or sleep during physics and bio. yeap, that's what i do in school. i do CWs for maths, but i dont do the HWs. and why is that? cuz i lost my pure maths book. it's not like i bought it or something but im glad that i dont have it. ~ im so so sorry suze..i didnt mean to lose it, but it just disappeared. along with the hideously thick bio pyp =D
i have a test coming up. a maths test. chptr 3 - 7 and i dont have the book yet. i've been planning to photocopy it but geezz,
first, i wont get any report card. or maybe i will, but the results arent going to be included.
second, im leaving next january.. im not even taking the sciences, why bother taking maths?
three very good reasons eyyy?? and better yet, these reasons can be used as reasons NOT to come to school anymore. but of course there's one really major and extremely important reason why im still going to school however damn boring it is. and that's FRIENDS.
yeah, that's right. i've got nothing to do at home. my mom complains everytime i turn the computer on. and lastly, i wanna be able to spend as much time with my friends before i go away. God knows how much i'll miss them.
i want to see what's janet up to with her RANDOM thoughts and actions.
i want to keep on talking about the TWILIGHT SAGA with bella.
i want to be there to see caroline's ISENK-NESS whether it's me she's doing it to or not.
i want to hold allison's "edward" COLD hands.
i want to hear all of angela's super RANDOM thoughts and laugh so freely at it.
i want to hear mickey's korean and her indonesian in her SUPER CUTE BUT WEIRD korean accent.
i want to hear akong-philip's RANTS that are extremely funny and random.
i want to see how steven keeps on being a PEST around allison and how he keeps on doing STUPID THINGS on purpose that would fed her up.
i want to COPY kenny's maths homework.
i want to see ho's super weird EXPRESSION that he does everyday.
i want to hear reyner's weird LAUGHTER in class.
i want to see allison's DORI MOUTH when she writes.
i want to hear ratna's "OF COURSE" and "PEGI MATII..."
i want to be HIGH in class with janet cuz of the waste beaker in the lab.
i want to LAUGH all day long with all of them.
i want to STILL be the gluey in UHU-STICKY GLUEY ... UHUEEYYY
i want to LAUGH at the boys' behaviour.
i want to DOR! bern.
i want to SKIP chinese together as a class.
i want to TELL everything to irene.
i want to see how ratna goes to school ubi HUNTING.
i want to PRETEND that i'm listening when im actually sleeping in class.
i want to be in DESPERATO mode together with allison.
i want to see the WEIRD POSES that mickey and reyner does when they sleep.
i want to STEAL caroline from ho while he's away watching.
i want to see the SUPER SWEET couple no other that my very own akong-angela.
i want to STILL be in the family that we made up.
i want to have all those people who left our class JOIN us back together.
i want to get together with the girls and GOSSIP.
i want to delay bern from SNEEZING.
i want to see how janet SEDUCED caroline and me.
i want to witness ratna's super CRAZY actions.
i want to have this TALK with the whole class and talk about people.
i want to feel that UNITY we have.
i want to hear daniel's ADVICES that makes him seem so wise.
i want to hear irene TEASE me and call me lemot.
i want to see ho's tyra banks walk on CELEBRITY.
i want to hear vina call me MEI.
i want to hear wilhan's IMITATION of russel peters.
i want to SING together in class like no one's ever listening.
i want to hear bella's sweet voice HUMMING a melody.
i want to laugh at philip's JOKE.
i want to WAKE bern up from his weird sleeping pose.
i want to call allison JAYUZZ again.
i want to know what ratna's up to NEXT.
i want to hit janet in the HEAD.
i want to hear susan's "josephiiiineeee" in her INDIAN accent.
i want to always have the FEAR that either caroline or angela is growing an inch taller than me.
i want to PLAY that "dibidibidip" game with mickey.
i want to call caroline PAPI and ho MOMMY.
i want to JOIN angela's bdae at pulau ayer.
i want to enjoy daniel's CHILDISH actions.
i want to see wilhan's OMPONG.
i want to eat crepes at school and call it KREPES.
i want to remember how i always think janet's older than me JUST CAUSE she's taller than me.
i want to SHOCK ho by reading as many 200 pages in school.
i want to talk about HGs with the girls.
i want to listen to the afternoon cabaret AGAIN and AGAIN.
i want to ask people if they want to PEE.
i want to SMILE my slightest happiness of not studying while the others did.
i want to do RANDOM things.
i want to REMEMBER them.
i DONT want them to CHANGE.
i DONT want them to FORGET me.
i DONT want to go AWAY.
i DONT want to REALIZE that im going to leave them.
i DONT want to BELIEVE that i have more or less three weeks left with them - not counting the holidays.
i DONT want to have to MISS them.
i DONT want all this to end. EVER.
as summer feels.