new moon eclipse breaking dawn

Sunday, November 16, 2008
at 3:41:00 AM

just got back from PS with my mom :)
i just wanted to buy the second book "new moon" but i ended up buying all three. the fourth book wasnt there before but it is now! and so, i just grabbed it and went to look for the rest. hee hee =D cant wait to read them XDD

but then i ended up buying some other stuff too. a set of violin strings for my violin, a set of guitar strings and a new pair of sticks for my drum.

added new stuff on my wishlist like this cool shaped violin!!

actually i was looking for the treble clef shaped but i couldnt so, instead i found those two which are still AWESOME!

c i dont mind u buying me this for my bdae next year!
and no, i dont mind if it's secondhand. :)

and there's this polaroid camera!! =P
as summer feels.


Saturday, November 15, 2008
at 8:13:00 AM

i finished twilight today.. yipee! and i finished it in 4 days! :) i know it's nothing important but im kinda proud of myself. cuz i dont think i've ever finished a book that thick in 4 days. well, it's not that thick but hell, im just proud of my self. :D

it's great and i really really really cant wait to see the movie. akh! Robert Pattison is going to be Edward! oooohh!! he is gorgeous!! XDDD ahh *envy envy isabella swan*

oh! and im planning to buy the 2nd book tomorrow. any ideas of it being as good? i called susan but she didnt pick up :'( i might even want to buy the third book too if it's good.

look what i found when i googled the pictures.

as summer feels.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008
at 8:04:00 AM

i didnt ask for it. i didnt expect it. but i just got my letter of acceptance sent by mail and it says..

click to enlarge

akkhhhhh!!! im so thrilled.. =D with all the US dollar rising and all. i know it's not much but.. omg yipee! XDDD
as summer feels.


Monday, November 10, 2008
at 2:47:00 AM

i just got back from school and it was raining. raining hard. it was flooding the streets but it wasnt that deep and my driver took advantage of the bus way. but that's not what i want to talk about. there's something else.

so, i just got down from my car. looked at the lift it's coming down to 8. but when i pressed up, it went up from 8 and no, it didnt go down to the 7th floor to get me first. okay, that's not that big a deal. it's not the first time for this to happen. the second lift was coming down anyway, from the 12th floor. so i waited. and waited.

still waiting...

the first lift's up on the 21st floor.. the second lift is still stuck on the 12.

it's not coming down and it's taking ages...*_* then the first lift started coming down from the 21st floor. still, the second one's stuck. then at last, the first one came and picked me up. GAH. guess wat? the second lift moved down at last, when the first one reached the 7th floor.

im pissed by the rain. now the lift. wat more do u want? i spent a whole ten minutes waiting for that stupid lift and when i find out that asshole who kept me waiting , i might even squeeze him between the lift doors. mind you, i dont like waiting :( i dont.
as summer feels.

back in school

at 1:03:00 AM

im back in school today. well, there was regular school today but there's still exams going on. i was totally bored. im in the library btw.. it's chem

physics was just talking. puran talked for one whole period and i had nothing to do. mind you, we were in the lab. then we had to go up cuz the lab was gonna be used by someone else and so in class, we just talked cuz puran didnt want to teach us anything else just so we wouldnt be muddled up.

then there was bio which was the king of boredome. three whole periods dude! i was definitely unconscious when i decided to go to school today. -.-"

im thinking about not coming to school tomorrow but there's PE!! i wanna come and play basketball >_<" or maybe i might just come for PE. i might.. dont know yet though.. havent thought about it again. maths was nothing special but in the end when we did classwork was okay. that's when janet, caroline and i became rather "high". yes we were. we didnt drink anything or ate any stupid weird stuff but we just laughed so hard. sometimes for the very unexpected reason or even no reason at all. >.<" but it was fun. laughing. i realized it's been a while since we laughed like that. the laugh continued on to the library. it was chinese and none of us wanted to go for chinese. duh?! and so we ended up in the ibrary with the sec 2s..and boy, they were noisy. but we werent exactly quiet either. we ended up having the two computers. lol and the yellow uniforms were hanging around the computer table. that was our "area". well, it seemed as if it was. :) then we googled our names randomly. caroline found her name. exactly like her name in facebook but it wasnt her. then there's allison. and wow! her name really got lots of things listed. ^^

click to see.

and then.. there's janet. and we found the R-rated blog and her blog. and we started opening all of the links. and wow on the things we found in ratna's blog. LOL.

oh! and we did all of the above with all the laughters and kindergarten kiddy like behaviour. again, it's been a while since we've done this and.. i didnt regret coming to school today just cause ... :)
as summer feels.

halloween [ not mine though :( ]

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
at 7:45:00 AM

just so that it wont be too late to post up for halloween. im doing it now. although it's still late.. but anyhow.. my sis showed me her halloween party she had. and well, there was this thing called the freakfest her uni held. akhh! so fun. well, it seems like it. i didnt know. i wasnt there :(

so this freakfest is where everyone dresses up and u know.. meet each other.. and gah. all of them dressed up rea

well, she dressed up as a harajuku girl?? or wat i dont know..

here's some of the pics:

my sis n her friend. she's the one on the right

what's this? yeap, a dementor..

the group with chicken little.. u cant really see though but u can see his huge glasses..

oh well.. wat have we here?? i have no idea.. seriously i dont but i just think it's funny that there's someone with a diaper behind them. XDD oh but.. they have another pose..

there you go. so im guessing some kind of superhero?

oh well.. moving on

SPONGEBOB! i didnt get to wear the costume but at least someone else did! :)

ohh ohh! see the arrows.. there's a ladybird/ladybug. which ever and there's a girl who became a plastic bag of jelly beans.. =P craetive huh?

here's elvis. but there's someone more interesting..


obama.. and he won! hehhehe im happy :) dont know why though.

right.. recognise that big red and white thing..? it's from the mario bros character. the mushroom.. i forgot his name. lol one of cc's friend became someone from prison.

dont know who that is. just funny how they're in a box.

3 nuns.. or should i say, male nuns =P

we've seen many characters we know but who is this??

any clue??

well, he's cc's friend and he's dressing up to be.. supposedly MATRIX. but i guess he got something messed up so well, cc said that his friends think he looks like those massage people.. u know from the tai chi history n all. those people lahh.. hahahahh

moving on...

we have McDonalds.

more of cc's friends the blue guys.

the pope

oooohh janet's pencil box.. elmo!

cat in the hat?

is this cookie monster?

gah, this is funny... XP

and last but not least.. the joker..
the one on the left really looks like the real thing rite??

photo credits : cc's friends
as summer feels.

puri :)

at 5:14:00 AM

right. so i went to puri today.. well i was actually planning to go to susan's house cuz i didnt want to join my mom buying her planting stuff [she loves to garden. lots of plants at home. maybe i'll take a picture of them all..] okay, so back to the topic.

at susan's house, susan and i did some calling, some talking and played some piano. oh and san, the song is called "heart and soul". and i found the notes too! i mean the melody for the right hand.. let's play it together some time. easy song huh?

at puri, played DDR. lots of times.. i might actually feel my legs having muscles.. :( and well, that's definitely not a good thing. let's just hope it's only a thought.

watched HSM3.. gah. i didnt like it. didnt like the first one, didnt like the second one too. but so, i liked one or two of the songs and i kinda liked ashley tisdale. she was.. bitchy?? nah.. she's just like the ones before. like her :) anywayz there were too much singing.. really ratna and i practically "predicted" that after each thing there'll be some kind of singing and sure, we were right! anywayz, i still like some of the songs. ^^

oh! after watching we went back to play ddr. well actually i didnt play that much but ratna kinda did and u know wat? when she was playing alone..

let's see wat happened shall we? i took a photo of her.. and her little friend =D

BWAHAHHAHAHA XDDDD a random little guy cam next to her and started working out his moves which were all wrong!
as summer feels.