
Saturday, September 27, 2008
at 11:59:00 PM

caroline’s party.. well, it was fun. we made more surprises for her. well, actually ho made them, but we added a lil bit of help =P girls went together except for bella and ratna cuz bella had to go to the doctor and she came back late so, she decided to go with ratna from her house. we arrived, surprise started. met ratna and bella, went to the toilet and took a pic.n bella and they took us around sato.

okay before that -let's see the perfect scenario shall we?

surprise number one:

lin stepped in, random people giving her flowers. one stalk each, perfectly decorated. 16 roses which means, 16 random people will approach her and give her a rose. then, in the end, ho comes and give her 24 roses which means "Can't stop thinking about you, 24 hours everyday" and if u total the roses 16 plus 24 would give u 40 roses which means "My love for you is genuine". great surprise eyy??

surprise number two:

15 cupcakes, a letter on each saying "H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y-!-!" and a cake on the very end. 16 years old, 16 candles, one on each cupcake.

but in reality:

the people or well, the waitresses were like.. urghhh frustrating. they came and brought flowers, gave one to caroline and offered to the others. please laaahh he was supposed to give it only ot lin. ckckckck then i took one and gave it back to the other one behind and told them to give the flower only to caroline.

after taking her one round, we passed by this podium where all the flowers were and believe it or not. there were like 3 or 4 waitresses gave her 2, 3 roses. at the same time showing the whole bunch of flowers that were supposed to be given one by one. haiyaaa these people.. swt bgt! =.="

then bella approached them and i think explained how it was supposed to be. and we took caroline the other so she wouldnt see bella. okay, then the people got smarter by an inch and gave it the right way, but sadly, there were only a few left.

then, ho gave her the bouqette of flowers and janet and mickey followed along and took pics of them. in the dark so they're kinda blurr. sat down and took some food to eat. food were delicious and so was the icecream.

i wore my fedora, and everyone wore it in different styles but i forgot to bring my camp so, it's all in ally's cam. gonna ask for it as soon as she comes back and post it rite up! currently i only have wilhan's cuz he almost stole my hat before going home and i took this with my hp. ckckckck

rey looks like those korean boys doesnt he?

moving on the second surprise, turned out pretty gud. but my feet hurt like hell. high heels, standing on the slanted end of the bridge. 180 degrees. me and angela were shouting like crazy but it was worth it seeing ho and lin acting so cute in front of us. XD

i hold the "A" and was quite at the end. as in BIRTHDAY!! so lin was supposed to blow and bite a piece from everyone. after the whole surprise, we took pics, again, it's all in either ally's or lin's cam. my feet hurt so i followed lin and ho inside and as they cleaned up, i went ahead and whooo! took lots of weird pics.. ckckcck but im only posting the gud ones!=P

yeah, but it seems like i'd never beat ratna and janet!

bwahahahha look at kenny's expression behind

janet looks gud here

wth are they doing behind my hat?! mmmm

waiting in the lobby, our tired feets decided to let go of those devilish heels

before going home - more pics :

me + lin

me + bella

me + mickey she looks so korean here

me + ratna

janet + me

me + angela

i helped carry the flowers and it got caught. seemed like i received flowers rite?

the singlessss

akong [plip] + angela sweet arent they?

janet + mickey were doing the heart pose and rey came dashing in

ally + ratna sad in desperato

whose hands are these?

i love janet's cheekbones but i just realised, did u guys went in the water??

the sleepover. went to lin's house and cleaned up. make up and stuff. decided to watch a horror movie. got bored, changed to the other horror movie. i got tired, sleepy and bored cuz the suspense didnt show up that early so, i went to sleep or really, i fell asleep.

hoz + caramel + someone else's ASS

got up in the morning. kucek2 eyes and turned. ally was looking at me wide awake. ahahah a sudden memory of janet's story about how weird i slept in the bus going home from the retreat. XP okay, she was wide awake cuzshe was hoping one of us would wake up and accompany her to the toilet. poor her. >.<" so i did, along with angela n lin. then we talked. lin told us about the movie. only janet and ratna were the ones who finished it.

after everyone woke up, we talked and revealed secrets. or we were trying to spill them out of a few of our mouths. hee hee ^^ then angela and ally went home. after, we went down and ate our breakfast with teh tarik!!!! which was awesome. drank two cups :)

then i had to go home cuz i have tuition. T_T" but it was fun!
as summer feels.

my jie's bdae

Thursday, September 25, 2008
at 7:24:00 AM

happy birthday VINA! it's my jie's bdae today and sadly, i couldnt meet her. i thot i could tomorrow in caroline's party but she's not gonna be there.. i think she has to go somewhere.. ahhhhh T_____T"

sorry jie, i took this pic from ur blog >.<"
oh well, imma make her a bdae card and i hope she's gonna like it ^^ jie, i'll give it to you next time we meet kay?? or maybe, after the AS finish or maybe after MY AS finish, imma go to your house or we'll meet pretty often rite?? will we? =3

okay, so.. today in chemistry as usual. it was library time for rey, ho and me. oh! rey brought his glasses today. ahahhha looks different. he looks like a penguin somehow. in my mind. aahahhaha couldnt do the test today, but thatnk goodness it wasnt included in the report ^^

got the reports today and i got 1st for maths in class. for the CA marks. but still, im happy. ^^

found this pic from my hp. took this during our prelims. break time. first was with all the girls, but then we thought it was almost round but not round enough soo we though of taking a rounder one but then caroline left cuz ho called her and then...

philip came in and replaced her. and so, it was round with all the white tips of our converse making a cricle and then suddenly blocked by those black shoes.
as summer feels.

my mom's bdae!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
at 9:02:00 AM

yeap today's my mom's bdae. happy bdae mom! it's not just any mom that i call.. it's my real mom that gave birth to me^^

okay, so yesterday my aunt called me and said she wanted to make a surpsrise for her. and she also mentioned that she wanted to push her into the pool. but come on people, i thought that was just a joke. anyhow, all i had to do was just call her down to the swimming pool. that's it. easy eyy?? just had to think of a reason for her to go to the pool.

on the way home from skul, i slept. and then when i woke up, we almost arrived at the lobby and my driver asked my mom "bu, nanti ad pesta y?" i was like.. WHAT?!?!! why is he such a kepo!!? did he really had to ask her that? i was so shocked but i needed to calm down so my kmom wuldnt realise anything. so i pretended that i couldnt hear him, since i had my headphones on. then, after a while, my mom replied "gak kok. " pheeewww... no suspisious thought wat so ever. mission still going on pretty smoothly.

in the lift. asked mom if she would accompany me to swim today. and she said yes. but she wanted to go down to the ATM. okay, so they promised to meet at 5 and it was 5.15, and my mom wanted to go down badly. i was so scared that she'd meet anyone on the way. i keep imagining my aunt showing up with her fam when the lift opens. but it turned out that they havent arrived yet. pheeeww! brought my mom to the ATM and then quickly back up.

she asked me when i wanted to go swimming but my aunts havent called me yet, and so i couldnt go down yet. so, i said "tar aj mom. aku maw bljr dulu. bsok ad test" i wasnt lying. i have a test tomorrow. and i speed through the book, i couldnt do it. not really gud ey??

6 o'clock now and i still havent got any calls, let alone sms. *sigh sigh sigh* my mom suddenly said "jo, maw brenang gk seh? kalo gk, mom maw mandi neh.." wadowww.. gmn maw mandi, org maw d ceburin... ckckkckck well, then i immediately said, okay mom let's go down now. just in case she became suspiscious. went to the bath room, changed to my swim suit, called my aunt telling her imma go down.

went down, walked to the swimming pool. and whoaa it was super hoooot. really hot weather. back to te story, my mom was really surprised to see all the family there. and lol she was happt :) everyone congratulated her and all and then, while she was hugging my grandaunt, all of my aunts pushed her into the pool and SPLASHHHH!! there she went all wet.

and all her comment was "josie jahat josie jahat" as if it was my idea?? i was just told to bring her down. oh well, she didnt get angry though. she was happy. ^^

imagine what she was saying in this picture? "josie jahat"

went up and had a party. kinda like a party cuz well we ate. tee hee after a while, i became all narsis with my cousin, jessica. XDD cant stay away from that can we? and since, she got addicted to my headphone and shades, sure enough she couldnt stop. kekekkeke

THEN, after all of the people went back, one of my aunt's fam havent. they invited me to join them to go to bali this holiday and i was kind of excited. mind you, i havent been to bali EVER. rite, but then my mom was not going. cuz my maid's going home and my dad's gonna be all alone and i guesses she was worried. ehehhehe cute?

oh well, i didnt want to go at first cuz my aunt has family along - husband, 2 daughters, mom and sister. i could hang out with her sister - despite the age difference, we still go along quite well, but sh brought her boyfriend along. well, that's wat i thought. but then, her boyfriend couldnt come tee hee... he had a lot of work to do ^^ not that im happy that he's not coming, but i get to have a friend that's alone there too XP

my cousin - aurel

aurel's older sis - cyrill

so, we started planning on the things we'd do in bali and im looking forward to the trip.=3
as summer feels.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
at 6:23:00 AM

after skul today, the class decided to kidnap caroline and bring her to TA. there she can pick out anything she wants and we'd buy it for her. i know,, i would want a surprise like that. hell yeah! so after she went out of the class, we all started packing her ba in super speed and hurried out.

outside, she was already tied up and her face was covered with angela's jacket. ckckckck that was like a real kidnap yoo.. ahahahhaha we brought her down to the lobby and into ally's car. hmmmm she was all embarassed in the lift going down. but i'd be real happy if it was me. keke^^

okay, she started to struggle at first and then i tried to hold her hand so that she wouldnt try and open her jacket. but in the end, it was she who was holding my hand cuz she was scared that everyone would leave her behind. kekekkkeke^^

but then i didnt go to TA with them. had to go home T_T"

janet with the kidnapped girl.
as summer feels.

happy bdae papi!

Monday, September 22, 2008
at 11:54:00 PM

it's my papi's bdae today! -- caroline. she is now officially 16 and puran bought a cake for her. nyhiihihiihi ho bought a cute lil pooh with this witchy coat. real cute. and i think he has something else for her and well, me.. and the rest havent bought her anything yet. -.-" anywayz, we missed more than half of physics cuz we kinda celebrated her bdae. took pic with bella's phone. gonna ask after skul and then upload!!

here they are:

the bdae girl with her guy..

with puran.. it's funny if u look at caroline's face.

cutting the cake together ^^ sweet ei?

first cake to ho

the class.

di cemongin cokelat kekekke

sedih kekekke

ahahahhaha let's all laugh at her!

im guilty >.<"

gila si ho maw bersihin muka lin ambil d jilat. kekekkke XD


in the toilet. with a clean face.

squishhh!! let's all get out of that dirty toilet!

blurry pic -.-"

she's having her bdae party celebrated this friday and we're gonna go sleepoveer at her place!! double yay! bella and allison's here. they came cuz cahem's don but im still halfway done with this post. ^^ so.. yeah, let's continue shall we..

mmm it's my mom's bdae tomorrow. my aunt called me cuz she wants to make a surprise for my mom. she also said that she wants to throw my mom in the pool. whooaaa dont think that's gonna happen though. =P
as summer feels.