
Sunday, August 31, 2008
at 11:35:00 PM

tomorrow's prelims and god im so psyched that i havent touched my book yet. but all that's gonna change now cuz tomorrow's maths and since im taking maths for my AS, i gotta study but not that much. just enough for prelims. i mean, come on. it's just prelims... duh. i'd be stressed out already if i give it my all and then i wont have any brain space left for my real AS.

planned on doing my speech for oral last weekend but i didnt have the mood and plus i havent read all the article yet so, why dont we leave that for next time. when i have time or most probably when i have the mood.

loving the guess the sketch game in facebook, although i suck. and i suck at it real bad. missing the old days back then real bad, if u know what i mean.
as summer feels.

#1 random

Friday, August 29, 2008
at 8:32:00 AM

lots of things happened today. finally realizing once and for all that ms yanti's laugh IS weird. got bored in maths class. got told by ms lanny that we were being spoonfed clues about speed and acceleration to our paper 4 like babies. got shown mr puran's huge gigantic, superiorly enormous mole that freaked me out. got even more freaked out by a sec 2/3 boy's face that was in an accident and had his face become the same species as the two-face guy in batman. got a "study hard yaaaaa" from ms lanny with her usual tone when i asked for the calculater sticker. yaaa okay lahhh misss! ended up sticking the sticker upside down. realized that the toilet bin has been having gum stuck on its walls for god knows how long and the cleaning service were totally blind enough to NOT clean that up. and lastly, it's my last day of detox and darn it im still super duper hungry!!! im might hate fruits you know..cuz of this but the loss of fat is worth it although i cant see any change yet even though it's the last day.

anywayz, we have this new thing in school. it's called the afternoon cabaret. it's a music thing where students or anyone can showcase their talents in music. we went down and heard ms abby was in the middle of singing her song. went to the canteen to check the others out and when we came out, mr jojo was on the stage singing. oh, the stage was below the tv thing in the lobby.

back to the story, well, ms emily was somehow downstairs too and she was peeking who was singing.. and then a gap from the crowded audience was made so that she could see clearly. and guess what?? mr jojo sang a song - which i forgot but im pretty sure it was a love song - to her. his hand gestures were all pointing to her ad all. and if im not mistaken, he gave her a kiss bye and she gave one back. it was such a cute scene... ^___________^

and by cute i mean really cute and sweet. just imagine. them.. being both chubby and round. i dont mean to offend them seriously but they are ... well, stuffed. and yeah, just imagine them like that infront of the school with ms emily being all shy and red. ehehhehe

talked aout oral topics with ms lydia and ended up talking about stories and myths from all over the world but mostly from indonesia. weird yes, i know. but so what?? i liked it.

and well, it was the chinese singing thing today and allison and angela backed out from the competition cuz of their throat. however, it was actually their plan to back out at the end and just wanted to register so that they could skip class. im not saying just the two of them, but there are others. oh well, i was waiting for my driver cuz we decided not to go for basketball and so i joined allison and angela to watch that chinese thing. we were gonna watch claudia perform with her friends.

that's when caroline and ho came in to join us watch. while it was almost about to end, we wer discussing on whether we wanted to sing at the last minute. together. the five of us. hmmmm it all started cuz ho said that if we joined we would've nailed it for sure but then we wouldnt know for sure right?? and we were talking about us being random like we've always wanted and THIS IS TOTALLY RANDOM! everyone was leaving already so were the lao shis.. and well, ho asked them and then, that's when we decided. right there and then. just a spontaneous song without any preparation. jay zhou's qi li xiang. i didnt know the melody very much since it's been months since ive listened to that song again. and we also asked for the lyrics! do it was really our first time. well, it was for me but the others kinda heard and sang the song during their chinese last time. since they planned to skip class like i told u before remember?? well, so there it was. our first time being random. allison angela caroline ho and me. well, it was surely not the first time for ho but it was for us girls.

anyways we had fun laughing our heads off when we stepped out of the room. something to blog about?? DEFINITELY! watch out for allison's blog. she might write about this too but probably in a more english and good writing than mine.. ehehhe my english sucks and so forgive my ungrammarly posts..>.<"

i saw this funny looking vespa otw home. ehhehehe vintage huh?? oh and i asked about wheels today and damn they're super expensive and i bet my parents wont pay for them if i want to put them on my car, so i guess i have to pay by myself. and they're so frikkin expensive.. 15million and that's without the tyres.. and the sound system could be like 20 million.. darn it! how should i come up with that much money..?? i guess i'll have to delay my wish and put it on the list. hix T.T
as summer feels.

again and again

Thursday, August 28, 2008
at 7:54:00 AM

again and again. ms yanti made us stay back. i was so glad that we're going home at 2.30 today and that all we did in bio was check our paper 1 which was just mcq!! janet and i decided to ask more questions so that she wouldnt finish the mcq and change into revising other things. but turns out..

RRRRIINNGGG....[bell rings]

me : perfect timing! gives thumbs up to janet

yanti : okay, u open up october november 2006

and i was like.. what??? again, she's telling us to stay back. she said it was up to us if we wanted to know the answers or not. but then i said to her that, maybe.. she could just tell us the answers and we'll figure it out at home.. any questions can be asked tomorrow, although i wont even touch the book at home, seriously. even janet added "no stupid questions" but still... they came up. im not naming anyone cuz i dont even remember who asked but wasnt it clear??? i wanted to go home quick for calling out loud! apparently, some people just cant understand.. i told ms yanti to just tell us teh answers for each question so it would be quick. but she too, apparently didnt understand.. and so i was stuck in the ICEC room till 3.. which was just like any other day..

heard ms yanti laugh and was.. erhmmm.. disturbed should i say?? i mean she practically laughed in front of the class sounding like a fat chubby boy rolling on the floor laughing a woody woodpecker laugh. can u guys imagine that?? well, if you can't, than better not try cuz i dont know.. it might not be that pleasant??

anywayz.. i've been going on detox for the last few days, you know.. eating fruits only and all.. whoops, sorry.. it's been one day and today's the second day. and how am i feeling?? HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im seriously hungry. i was hungry the whole of yesterday, the whole of today, and to top it all, im hungry now now now! plus, janet made me eat her candy without me realizing it.. aarrghhhh and my mom made me eat sebbie's soup and i finished the whole pot. i cant believe it! all the day's hunger was lost just like that.

but just gonna forget that and pretend that it didnt happen before and continue my last day for tomorrow..

next week's prelim and i dont give a shit at all about it. havent studied at all and i aint studying until the day before.. nyahahhaha

tomorrow's friday and monday's a holiday!!im gonna sleep till the afternoon on saturday and no one, i assure you, no one can wake me up..except if there's a math thingy this week.. is there??
as summer feels.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
at 9:24:00 AM

irene left today. this morning to be exact. had a tiring day again. kept hearing ms lanny say "speed" as "spit". got retained by ms yanti for almost half an hour.

i saw the clock. few more minutes. discussing bio pyp, just a few more questions. perfect timing miss!! then suddenly...

yanti : okay open up one more..

what?? did i hear okay??

us : it's bell miss.

yanti : one more.

us : but the bell already rang

yanti : it's okay.

SHITTTTTTTTTTT i have to go for chemis lab for god's sake...i have to stay back and now she's making me stay back even later. geeez, what's with the school?? what about discipline man?? why do we have to be punctual and arrive at school on time when teachers keep on dismissing us late from classes?? punctual my frikkin ass!!

went to lab, met ms rian and she said. you only have 15 more minutes.. i was like " WHAT??" looked at watch, 3.45 greeeaaaattt... but we did it anyways and ms ine let us stayed till like 5..

im looking for oral topics and at last i found one : The Artic Seal who is Afraid of the Cold

catchy eii??found this picture too. looks like he's suntanning doesnt it?

and i found some other pictures with headlines like:

pets need extra water on hot days

and i found this cute little pic with a headline : Shark eats polar bear : who's top predator?

doesnt match the picture does it??
as summer feels.

seroja trip

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
at 4:43:00 AM

because we performed last friday, we went to seroja - the place where the heroes from the past gathered together. it's like a "panti" gtu.. we were supposed to perform again there, mingle with the people to show our love and care and at the same time give our sembako to them.

so, after i finished changing backstage, we peeped through some holes to the audience as the "arsip" thing was playing and some of them cried. no, most of them cried. i think the tape reminded them of their husbands, families or even themselves during the war times. i felt really touched. i never thought that it was really real when hearing stories about those who fought before but being there really made everything real.

only one person was left from the 1945 fight and the rest were those who fought to make timor timur part of indonesia. i sat together with the people whil eating. i was actually infront of vika, and he was talking to one of them who fought for timor timur. he introduced some of the other veterans, one couldnt hear and the other, i dont know what happened to him.

so, i was listening to the man, coz he was talking nonstop about the war thingy and then sudenly, i saw a krupuk put on my food box. i turned around and saw the man who couldnt hear standing up looking at me smiling and saying, "makanan jowo makanan jowo" ehehehhhee that was funny. i was really surprised that something like this happened that i just stared at him and the gave a late thank you. ehehhee it was kind of him.

then while eating, i listened attentively to the man who was telling the stories and then, the guy next to him lift up his pants. i didnt know why he did that. and all i saw was skin, it was smooth. and then, he lifted his pants even higher and i saw it. it was plastic. he didnt have one of his legs. he lost it at the war when he stepped on a bom. i couldnt imagine how painful it would be. and to top it all, i couldnt imagine how he felt when he knew that timor timur was not part of indonesia anymore. i mean, seriously, he lost his leg for nothing?? i would totally be mad if it were me, but then again, i wouldnt want to imagine such a thing.

i thought that he was really cool. the way he stood up straight and proud. he was really tall and i think he didnt look like he lost his leg. i also sat with some of the women. most of them are actually the wives. some said that they lost their husbands and never heard anything from them. i wouldnt want that to happen to me either. it'd be... scaryyy! and not to mention sad and pathetic.

so we ended the trip by lining up and shaking our hands with them. some of them were really happy to see us visit them and they looked sad to see us leave. one of them, i think, cubit almost all of us before shaking and one also "sun" us. ehehehheh felt really good that i could come there and meet them and plus, it was my last year.

one thing i regret though... we didnt take any photos with them!!! i really wanted to take one with the man who lost his leg. he was really kind at the end. he reminded me and angela whether we left anything behind in the changing room and offered us to check again. and he went up the stairs also, with he plastic leg. i imean, he didnt have to do that. he could just wait for us downstairs. it must have been uncomfortable going up and down the stairs. before we left, he said, "kita harus bersyukur sama apa yg kta punya. kalian sebagai ank masa depan hrus berjuang supaya indonesia makin maju."

well, it wasnt exactly like that, but it meant somethink like that. i think. if i could remember properly. but it was sooo inspirational. all of us definitely want to go there again someday and meet them!
as summer feels.


Monday, August 18, 2008
at 8:15:00 AM

hello peeps~! i just got back from watching step up 2 and wall-e!!both are great movies. great dancing from step up 2. love all the dancing parts and the guy and his dimples!!!real cute. i know it's kinda late watching this, but it just went out at the theaters.

moving on...

isnt he adorable???

wall-e was really.. *sighs* yeah. im not gonna put any spoiler or anything, just commenting that it's a cute, sweet and innocent story. love story. it's also funny by the way. well, that's that. i actually wanted to update more about last friday - TYO + dance - and my long weekend - went out of town with my fam - but holy cow, i got a hell lot of unfinished homework and im still waiting for the pics from my aunt's cam. so maybe i'll do it next time.
as summer feels.

mr presno

Thursday, August 14, 2008
at 9:45:00 AM

okay, so today there was a rehearsal for the performers for tomorrow's event. there were some choir people singing a traditional song with mr presno and a new teacher who takes attendance for my basketball on guitar, drama people, dance club and us. i was watching the choir practising and i saw mr presno on the guitar which i thought looked cool. i mean, he's a principal and he can play the guitar! dont know about you guys but i think it's cool.

so, after some thoughts i decided to make a post about him. well, he came to our school as a vice principal last year and i thought that he was just kind of weird and rather well, odd. he always expects us to reply him when he says good morning [obviously] and it'd be better if we greet him first before he does. since he came to our school, i think the school became rather religous dont you think? he prays here and there and it seems like our school's a really religous school. but seriously speaking, i got nothing against that really.

okay so, as i mentioned in my previous post, he is a very kind man. i didnt realise this till now, well to be exact, a few days ago. i didnt mention this before but this is what happened. when he called me to his office, he told me that he prayed for the IGCSE candidates last year. and, not to forget the A level guys too. i thought that was rather sweet and kind of him. it was his first year and we didnt even know him that much yet but he was willing to pray for us. that was very nice of him.

what i didnt know was that he fasted. he fasted for us. and what's more amazing and grand is that he was sick or somewhat not in the condition of fasting because of his stomach problem [sakit magg or something]. his wife and doctor told him not too and forbid him to do so, but this is what he said," If GOD lets him to do it, he can do it." i mean how nice is that? and that was when he was a vice principal...!!!imagine the principal doing that?? hell no! i bet he would probably be eating his food while we were doing the exams..

what i told you above is true and so, i now understand why the ipto students really had a difficult time to let him go to our school. he is THAT nice.

oh, and all the five of us found what to wear for tomorrow's ballet phantonim. it's gonna be kinda uniform.. hope i dont forget the steps tomorrow.. eheheh ^^
as summer feels.

im back

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
at 8:20:00 AM

okay, it's been a while since i last updated. whoaaaa that aint right. it's been REALLY REALLY REALLY LOOOOOOOOOOOONG since i last updated. and well, im back.

the reason i havent been updating is actually cuz of school, a few events, youtube and well, to tell you the truth, my laziness.

school has been really2 tiring. so far, i already have 2 tests on statistics, 1 for physics and 2 for bio. yeap, it's tiring enough to study for these tests let alone do all the homework. i mean ms yanti gives us a hell lot of homework and ms lanny, ... *sighs* nothing new about her. ms ine gives lots of chem past year papers and well, there aint much time for me to blog with all these works.

oh, another thing i wanna mention. you know that in BBS tests are supposed to be signed by parents right? well if you didnt know, i apparently just told you. and well, mr puran told us to get our past year papers signed. i mean what's up with that? seriously, it's not important at all. i mean, come on!!! it's past year papers we use to practise!!!!

oh yeah. we have to bring this really thick book to school from now on.

i know. u can kill someone with this book. well, it's actually our past year paper for bio. allison photocopied it for us. im not blaming allison. really im not. allison if u're reading this, im not blaming you at all. im not blaming anyone except ms yanti. why does she have to give us loads and loads of work from this book? does she know we have to breathe???

okay, so im just gonna summarize a few events for the last few weeks??

1. took the toefl on the 3rd. sucked! missed the speaking part, and it wasnt as easy as i thought it was. i really did thought it was not gonna be that hard so i went ahead and took the risk WITHOUT studying. how foolish of me.

2. got called by pak presno last week. i was really shocked when i heard the woman told me about it. i mean, what did i do wrong?? uneasy feeling but, i heard he's nice so.. let's just see what he wants to talk about. and well, he talked about me not taking the AS lvl exams. yeah, i dont wanna take them. im going out this january and i dont wanna do all the hard studying and all. im tired enough during IGCSE okayyy. well, he just asked me a few questions and he prayed for me so that i could make the right decision for the future.

he was really really nice and i thought that it was extremely kind of him to pray for me. im glad that he became our principal. he called quite a number of students to his office to talk about this matter and i bet if dr. san was the principal, he wont f*cking care!

3. went to stella's sweet 15 last weekend on saturday. turned out that stella used the same EO as bella. went there for a while and left after eating like one appetizer. we apologized to stella and we felt really bad. she wanted us to be there cuz her face looked sad when we told her about it. but what to do? we had to go to mike' farewell at hardrock cafe. on the way, we talked a lot. about personal things and really deep stuff. well, i dont know if it's deep but we talked.

reaching ex, we, well, i didnt want to go down in our dresses. we were practically using dresses and going to ex at its most crowded hour. well, i didnt like that but no choice we had to go down. arrived at hardrock just to know that they finished and are going to leave. the reason why we didnt eat at stella's was because we wanted to eat at hardrock but.. they finished. so, with our stomachs grumbling, we went to fish and co ad ate together. continued our talk. i ended going home first.

overall: loved the talks we had that day

4. melissa's sweet 15 the next day after stella's. it's at ritz and i went to ally's house first to get ready. the party was huge. bigger than our prom and way better. it was organized by the EO from angelita and the MC was VJ Daniel!!! and my gawd, he looks cute. took a picture but it didnt come out that nice. so what? at least i took one with him hohoho ^o^v came home at around 11 i think cuz we have school the next day.

5. yesterday, met mr lee in the apartment lift and he said to me that the a level and IGCSE marks came out the day before so i should get my marks by the day and well i did. mr puran looked really happy. both flemming and our class got As and A*s for physics. only one got a B and that wasnt me! by break, we got that marks and well they looked good. except for english. and i aint gonna talk about it. im done with. felt really tired cuz didnt sleep well the night before and didnt study for bio test.

ms lanny was also happy. as soon as she walked in, her face was gleaming and surprisingly, she walked straight to the teacher's table. put down her books and took the duster to erase the board by herself. BY HERSELF. for those of you who dont know, that's rare. that's REALLY rare.

i went home and told my mom about it. she told me to ask about retaking the IGCSE english again. i told my dad too when he got home and surprisingly, he said that it was okay. he didnt scream or yell at me. and he was happy that i got pretty good marks. according to him, it was good with all the As and stuff. i wasnt that happy in class, coz all the others were having high grades too but i felt happy when my dad told me.


ehehehhe i was really glad.

TODAY, mr puran came in and we talked about universities and our future and stuff. we didnt study for the whole period. whoopsie his whole period. so he took 2 periods and talked to us. the girls and i were talking and we thought that it showed that he kinda cared about our class. well, it showed that he was rather kind too.

practised the dance for this friday and man i suck. i wasnt well, flexible enough. i dont know how it would end up cuz, i think that the people might get bored watching the dance. it's looong. and boring i think cuz of all the talking from the music. but oh well, i dont care.

ran out of ideas for the choreo in the middle. we had to think ourselves cuz ci ririn's on her way to canada for her ballet competition. good luck ci! hope you win win win.

oh, we were practising in the MPR and i suddenly saw mr presno outside. we were told by the cleaners before that the room was gonna be used for the teacher's meeting. so we went out and see what was happening. he was calling someone and saying that there were students dancing in the MPR. we told him that it would be okay for him to use the room cuz we can move to another place, but he insisted us to stay and moved the teacher's meeting to another room. it was so very kind of him. i like him as our principal. A LOT. he's nice. not long after, ms yenny came and posted the change of location for the meeting. we felt prioritized and wanted to do our best for the performance.

one last thing: found this picture in my blog, and yeah. i did this last weekend. ^^

whoaa this is a really long post, but i guess it's payback for all the misses i've made. heeheee XP
as summer feels.