ratna's blog ^^ http://c-lynx.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
at 8:26:00 AM

yesterday, was reading people's blog and i stopped by at ratna's for a while. there're 2 stories which i found to be extremely ... good. i mean real good. seriously. cuz well, i could feel chills for quite some time.

and there were some quotes on love and whooaaa.. they're really nice, especially the first one. and we were actually talking about it in PE today. and well, this talk apparently made our [ally and me] DESPERATO mode back ON. oh it was on alright cuz we were shaking each other this time.

oh, to read ratna's stories and quotes : http://c-lynx.blogspot.com/
as summer feels.

Monday, July 21, 2008
at 8:06:00 AM

went to grand indo with my fam and it was actually great! we did some shopping and actually, some photoshoots. well, no really a real photoshoot but there were snapshots. and my sister took most of them. knowing that she likes photography, she did well actually. quite well i must say. im gonna post the photos next time i update cuz, i dont wanna wait for the photos to get uploaded for a long time and i dont have my photoshop yet.

i went to this really really boring music practice which i didnt even enjoy one second of it. well, maybe cuz i didnt know anyone there. apparently my cousin ditched me and went to watch batman. well, she didnt actually ditched me but well, you know what i mean.

soo, i went home and decided to cut my fringe or what mickey said today, my bangs. [is that right?] yep, i cut it myself and well it sucks. no wait, it SUCKS i tell you, it SUCKS like hell! it's really short and oh my god. no comment, maybe u should see my photos. oh, my mother said that it's not only short and RATA, but there's a part where it's SOMPLAK.. =.="

watched the dark knight today at senci and it was cool i tell you! although i was sitting right at the front row, not in the middle no, at the side, it was still cool! and guess what? i wanna watch it again, if i can. walked around senci with my new fringe today, and people were starring at me like i have some shit on my face. well NO, apparently i didnt.

as summer feels.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008
at 8:46:00 AM

this is supposed to be kind of private but i just cant stop thinking about it. yesterday nor today.

okay so how do i explain this. hmmmm so, continuing from yesterday's post actually, have u ever experienced this? like u were talking about something and u're so desperate about it, then that very same day, something happened unexpectedly and that something that happened actually brought u one step closer to what u were actually hoping. make sense?? omigod, how do u say this?

okay, forget what i just said, if u cant understand cuz i think i dont even understand it myself. T.T" just to be short, something happened and i thought it was really really a coincidence. seriously. i even thought that someone was actually playing a prank on me. and im not that sure yet.

well, i think that my story above isnt really important so, just wanted to show u guys what my dearest cousin brought me from japan! yay!

it's some biscuits insideand yum! they're yummy. oh and the can is cute too isnt it?

we took this photo on the first day. guess which are whose?
as summer feels.

first day of school

Monday, July 14, 2008
at 5:10:00 AM

first day of school! our class name is now JC-2 newton. JC as in Junior College. we didnt do anything for the first day of school. just assembly. a really long one in fact. talking about all these discipline things that are, may i remind you, unnecessary and well, repetitive.

so, we didnt have any subjects for today but we will start tomorrow, with PE in the morning and the day would end at 3. like everyday except for wednesdays and thursdays.

so since we didnt have to do anything we started talking. about boys. well, janet and i did when the other four girls went somewhere for their orientation thing [prefect stuff]. then, when the rest came back, we started to talk even more about this topic. and well, now, because of allison's desperateness or what she said while she shook me vigorously and stared to me with her eyes bulging out : DESPERATO! , i am too, apparently, in desperato mode. i swear i wasnt before, but now it seems like it. well, i guess it might be one of our goals. ahahahhaha

oh and our class is left with only, i think, 13 people left. yep, that's little alright!
as summer feels.

damn it

Sunday, July 13, 2008
at 8:01:00 AM

oh yeah, like the title say : damn it.

well, my sister was cutting her fringe and i started cutting some of my hair. just short ones at the end of my hair. not that much. then, she started asking me questions like "u dare to cut this much of ur hair?" it was about 3 cm from the end and i didnt mind, since i was using this kind of scissors that would only cut parts of the hair.

then, she asked me the same thing but this time, it was like 10 cm MORE! and I, without realizing anything weird or funny or just wrong, cut my own hair by that much. for real.

here's the proof:

see that long thick strand of hair right in the middle?well that's about how long i cut my hair.
as summer feels.


Thursday, July 10, 2008
at 12:17:00 AM

hey peeps. it seems like i havent updated for a reaaaallly long time and so here's a new update that is kinda unimportant. well, anyone know BIG BANG?!?!! well, i've been pretty crazy about them since last week, and gosh, i cant get my eyes of them. used to watch their documentary on MTV and loved their dance moves but i didnt really care that much to search them up and download their songs.

so, i've been busy downloading big bang's songs, watching their music videos and the videos they have on youtube and... im sooo in LOVE with them!extremely extremely in love.

they're actually nominated in the MTV Asia Awards 2008 and i'd really want to see them win. so anyone care to help them just click on the link below and help them vote [by clicking "vote" of course]


a picture of them and their oh so kind leader, G-dragon


as summer feels.