
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
at 8:04:00 AM

im just gonna make this short cuz i dont really feel like writing now. but since ive been wanting to wrtie since like yesterday, im forcing myself to at least write something.

today is the last day im gonna study for my finals, cuz tomorrow's only english and chinese and to tell you the truth i havent been eager to study for my finals, unlike the last few years, and honestly, it hasnt been going good this week.

well, im actually kinda sick. oops, my mistake. REALLY ill. i went home after the physics paper which was as usual, the two perfect words to describe each final i have been having - "NOT GOOD". yes, i went home and went straight to bed. turned on the AC, my ipod and closed the curtains. i couldn't sleep at first cuz i had a headache that was real bad and so i ended up closing my eyes and singing in my head. this, i think, made my head ache even worse. i did that for about1 hour and then i fell asleep. i really did sleep this time.

woke at 3. wasn't excited over anything cuz the headache was still there plus a fever slapped me on my forehead. nope, actually all over my body. GREAAAAAAAAAAAT! drank medicine but my cough became real bad. worse than yesterday. oh, and i think i know what made me have this cough - krupuk. i ate one the day before and that night, like 30 minutes later, i got a lil bit of cough. then i went to school the next day[today], and vina told me that my nose goes red and my eyes gets all watery after i cough. hmmmm cant really imagine myself like that but oh well. hope i can get beter soon.
as summer feels.

im gonna hate BIO for life!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
at 3:38:00 AM

it's been 2 weeks since IGCSE started and im all so stressed out about it.

last week, first paper was chem paper 3. it was extended by the way but oh well, who cares?i could do it anyway. then, there was bio p6, practical. bio bio bio... who could've thought you were gonna be so damn hard!?oh the difficult part was was normal for bio to be hard.but the fact the i drew a stupid bar graph when the question clearly asked for a damn line graph. GRRRRR i know, what the f*ck? ckckkckckck so rare of me using such vulgar words. mind me please, i feel like exploding just thinking of it.

okay following the week, maths. it was fine.finished in 45 minutes, nothing very difficult really. minimum, ill get a B though i am hoping for an A*. lets all join hands and pray for me!^^

english. arghhhh dont wanna talk about it. read VINA's and you'll get why.

another maths. again, nothing very difficult or irritating in particular.

physics practicals. hmmm a few roblems but at the very least I STILL COULD DO IT!

oh yes! another bio. and its paper 3 which means tadaaa! extended. *sigh* another disappointment dimming my eyes. why?? why is there a must for me to take bio??why lord?? who gives a damn about the kidney? or the fact that there's this little nephron inside it? or the fact that there's a renal capsule inside shaped like the letter C? how was i supposed to know that a C-shaped tubule was wrong and that the right answer was renal capsule?!! OH YES, ... it's in the book. how stupid of me to read that page, trying to understand it for 15 minutes and forget that it's actually a f*cking renal capsule!!! oh on another note, i realize that there is a difference between "convoluted" and "convulated". Convoluted is the answer to the last question labelled C in the diagram for bio p3 may/june 2008 which is also this tube inside the KIDNEY surrounded by blood capillaries. what's with the kidney and its stupid names? Meanwhile, convulated is the answer i wrote for that stupid question. yes yes. i am extremely aware that they are two very different words. is there even such a word?? convulated? i think i must've made it up.

hmmm to the cambridge examiners, hi. u know what? when you get to mark the bio papers from centre no. ID047, do me a favour and find the one with ID no. 8130. if i happen to get something like D, please be nice and at least give me a C..?? will you??

oh right. adding soo much fun, the english paper today was hell i tell you - HELL. there was a continue the story for the dw. well, i could do nothing but just stare at the question. DAMN. continue the story, i think i havent even done more than 5 of them in my entire life. it took me 1 hour to finish this question. 1 3/4 sides, without skipping lines. then comes the compo. and geez, this is probably the worst compo ive ever done. who on earth would even write about a cartoon character on the final??!! oh and to top it all, the character was SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!? tell me. tell me right now if youve got someone in mind. well you know what? since ive been such a fan of spongebob, I, yes ME, i wrote about him today. 11.30 in my class SunTzu. well what do you know? i must've been spongebob's number 1 fan to have done such a thing. and guess what? i was drinking out of my spongebob water bottle when i wrote this compo. SHIT.

oh yay, tomorrow's gonna be my bio final exam AS. im sooo thrilled. and the fact that i havent studied makes it even better. HUH?!! you kidding me?? thrilled my ASS!
as summer feels.

SERAPHIM & friends

Thursday, May 08, 2008
at 4:56:00 AM

last wednesday[yesterday] the school held a SERAPHIM and friends concert. the ticket prics was only Rp. 10,000 and i went to enjoy the show. the dress code was formal.

it started with two songs from seraphim - one was canon in D and the other was something else which i forgot. it was followed by other performances which were both good and bad. oh, there's this song from ff, to zanarkand. it was played by PIK and it was soooo good! well, the song was good, but i guess some of the performers had to ruin it by playing the wrong notes!grrrrrr...

wilson also played chopin on the piano. it was nice and he played it real well. i wish i could play the piano like that but i guess im just not interested enough to practise it everyday or at least every week.

i found out something that was really disappointing yesterday and it made me real down. but damn, i should've known. hahhahhah anywayz, was thinking of learnign the guitar after igcse. should i? but continuing my music lessons is definite!

well, we took photos but some are still in vina's and susan's camera. so maybe i'll post it sometime JUNE!when i have time after IGCSEs

the pics from my cam:


as summer feels.

head bump

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
at 5:53:00 AM

today, during PE, i was caught in an accident. there's this goal post right next to the field and it's actually unused. i was kicking the ball to someone, i think, then i blanked out. Apparently, one of the goal posts fell and it kinda landed on my head for a while. then it dropped to my shoulder and then on irene's foot.

i was like spaced out for a few moment and i couldnt feel the pain. i was just empty. THEN after recovering my senses somehow [vocab], i could only feel one thing - pain. it was on head, damn, it was piercing so badly, and on my shoulder.

i think my sight was kinda distracted cuz some places was blurry [is there such word?] or maybe it was just my eyesight with its stupid minus. well, i could feel some tears in my eyes but i think i was too shocked to cry. i guess everyone there was shocked. i mean, a goal post hitting a head. can anyone not be shocked? oh well, they didnt flow out.

i tried to sleep just now but guess what? i cant. why? cuz my head got this stupid bump and it hurts like hell, damn it.

listened to the radio otw home. heard this kinda lazy song. the person said,"laguny simple, gak rumit. tpi rda males gtu nyanyiny tpi that's the thing that's catchy. itu bkal nempel di otak lo kyk upil yg gak copot copot." hahahahhah dont know why but i kinda like what he said.
as summer feels.

"tak ada bocor"

Monday, May 05, 2008
at 9:22:00 AM

a new "fun" thing susan and i made or more specifically found out today. a clue : pampers! well this is how it started:

yes it's mami poko. and yes it's from a commercial. come to think of it, what's with commercials? first it was holcim, then hokben and we came up with fugu and other UNnecessary actions and now, it's time for the diapers.
MAMI POKO! [is that how u spell it? oh well]

explanations [susan told me this]:
  1. susan poked allison with the "mami poko" poke.
  2. allison poked back.
  3. repitition for who knows how long
  4. physics/chem finished [i forgot]
  5. susan walked up to me, poked. i answered "tak ada bocor"
*note: the finger showing is the index finger or what all of us know as the second finger from the thumb that we normally use to point at something

behold people, the weird random things we do.

as summer feels.