sleep over

Friday, April 25, 2008
at 8:24:00 AM after bella's sweet sixteen ALMOST most of us stayed over at the room which bella ordered for us. we were really tired after the party and most of us just wanted to jump on the bed and go to sleep. well, apparently we cant cuz we stil have our make-ups on.

oh, i almost forgot! the peepz sleeping over : bella [of course], me, allison, angela, caroline, irene, ratna, janet, cindy [bella's lil sis] & claudia [all's lil sis]

rite! we started washing up but apparentl
y bella was still so into her party mood that she stayed in her dress and took lots and lots of phtos of herself. on another note [one of ms vanda's vocabs!], caroline also stayed in her dress and joined venture [mr puran likes to say this!so so much!] in bella's narsism.

well the night started with apparently all of our narsism not just bella's but of course it was with our pyjamas and shirts. we ordered a whole lot of food and the lil sisters were to tired to stay awake and decided to crash out in the room next door - away from all our noises.

after eating TWO bowls of spaghetti carbonara, TWO bowls of spaghetti bolognaise, TWO plates of fried prawns with mayo we still got hungry and ordered more. during the waiting time, we all got so tired and slept in one bed. almost al of us actually. we were too tired and lazy to move our position and ALMOST decided to sleep like that. BUT thank goodness the food we ordered came and saved us from having back aches the next morning.

and so, our THREE bowls of spaghetti carbonara, ONE bowl of fried calamari and THREE bowls of ice cream that consisted of a chocolate, strawberry and durian scoops in each bowl. GOSH our stomachs were soooo full!

i was at last too tired to keep up with all the talking and laughing and the super freezing cold air of the hotel and sneaked into the bed in between allison and ratna.

well, this is how we slept[i think!, i didnt remember the other bed], mind the drawing please. it was done in paint. not as good as susan's but at least it still shows some info. YES, janet and irene slept below us. i blacked out at around 3.30 am while i think the others around 4. allison slept before me i think.also, i think janet and irene moved to the other bed with the lil ones after we all slept. i can understand why. the space was just unbearable!

in the morning, ratna's phone vibrated. her mom was already downstairs. we went to breakfast with only 10 minutes left, so we took all the food we could grab on and then enjoyed them all at once right after. we took so long cuz we ate while laughing that the waitresses were already finished preparing for lunch and we were still there. oh, not to forget we went down in our pyjamas! how shameful of us.

continuing...we had this discussion in the room that made me laugh till i hurt my throat real badly. it was really damn funny! claudia rules in story telling!

random pictures:

we all look soo happy here..except for ratna, dont know what she's doing


i like this one up here!


as summer feels.

Bella's Sweet Sixteen ++

Thursday, April 24, 2008
at 4:54:00 AM

rite it's been a while since i updated this blog and so i kinda have to tell a lot and i mean really - a lot!

starting of with bella's sweet sixteen last saturday in hotel peninsula. great party was all i could think of. the decoration was really nice and all fairy like. it seemed like a fairy tale setting. there was a guard at the entrance of the room painted all blu and glittery, i think he's from alladin - i think! and then to match the theme which was probably something about fairy tale i guess, the witch from snow white [anyone remember?] came up right behind me and made me run a meter or two away in my pink dress. i seriously RAN! she was like laughing in that witchy laugh and i tell you, it was not nice to see! damn it freaked me out. but she acted it real nice [great job little witch!]

the witch

right, continuing... hmmm allison, angela, caroline, irene and i performed this happy bdae song which was a total surprise for bella!we came up with this like the day before after school. it never occured to me that i would sing in front of people like that but o well, it was for bella and it was her SPECIAL day. yes of course i shook. at least i felt that i shook!well we practised for only a few hours - less than 2 actually - and well did our performance pay off? i dont know..let's just say it did.

then, there was a breakdance which totally cool and funny and soo nice to see.. which i recorded using my camera by the way. but the stupid fricking camera guy turned off his light in the middle of the dance. actually it was kinda in the front part and so, all i could jolly well see in the video was shadows and black figures! grrrr.. but still it was coo l!

there was a kissing game which was totally horrid yet it seemed fun to watch. and we ended the party by dancing right in front!it was fun! just right before we decided to go up, one of the science members [the breakdancing group], which i found out to be ryo, gave us a magic trick that was super duper amazingly cool!wew. i wished i could do that. nyeh nyeh nyeh.

oh, and for more detalis or any other info u can go to my jie's blog. click the link "vina ♥ " under "DARLINKS"or just go to


US with the MC and ming

ratna, vina, me with the EO [ming]

kisses ~chu! ^.^

jie and mei ^^

vlen,vlee,irene and ME

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as summer feels.

class photo = lateness

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
at 7:35:00 AM

the deadline for the class photo theme was today and it's decided!the theme for our class is "LATE". since we're always late to the assembly or something else, we might as well let them know that we're late because we have better things to do rather than gathering on the 7th floor of the black,yellow and red building on the side of the kebon jeruk high way and lining up like soldiers. realizing the fact that we are not going to be in a military academy or even be one in the near future.

well, here's the story. this year, for the year book, we can suggest our own theme, what we're gonna wear and a motto or what ms rientha calls a "tag-line" plus there's no uniform's allowed. well, we came up with a whole lot of ideas like the beach, heroes, a movie/photo shoot and something else probably. but angela came up with our "tag-line" : "better late than never" which i think suited our class perfectly well!

that's when we came up or probably someone came up with us being late to school for the scene in the some would still use pyjamas, still getting ready and stuff.

a random picture i found on the net of someone probably doing a good pose for our class's photo shoot.

when i saw the list of actions, i saw the one with the bread and toothbrush. i was confused for a while and then i decided. bread it is for me. then when vina came and pick her actions, she said she wanted the bread action. but then i already took it so she looked down the list an chose the toothbrush.haha! we're sisters alright!we often like similar things..wakkkwakkwakakka

thing i found out today:

tai mata = eye shit

another thing that i found out today was that vina, who i thought was my "REAL" jie all this time turned out to be adopted by my oka-san. i wasnt shocked abput it but somehow susan and irene said i looked. so FYI i wasnt shocked!i was just "surprised" coz everyone else knew about it i was the only one clueless. her actual mother is actually ratna, tante girang?? wakkwakawkawka weird family i involved in soooo many families hahahahhaha
as summer feels.


Friday, April 04, 2008
at 10:25:00 AM

a totally weird day, starting from maths when i started to sing a song which i forgot which song it was. then, bern sang the theme song to "mamamia"

me : wahhh tuh lgu enak lho beee..
bern : [kept on singing]
me : tw lguny "idola cilik" g? enak tuhh
bern : [laughs] iy tuh,, tw sivia g? dy suarany bgus bgt!gw ampe merinding dgrny
me : lgu tompi kn..?iya emank enak.. [singing "idola cilik"]
[continues writing classwork, then suddenly out of no where...]
bern : shalalalala shalalalala shalalalala lalalalalala... haaaa [really high note] errhhmm.... *clears throat* ketinggian. ga nyampe
me : wakakwakkakakakak [big laughs]
bern : [turns RED for quite some time, continued to sing dua hati menjadi satu - gita gutawa ft. Dafi --> cute guy in walls' commercial]

right after that susan and i started to sing this song for an ad in tv. nice song actually real catchy. THEN while waiting in the toilet i heard someone sang: "selama ad holcim, pasti sempurna"

WAKAKKAKAWKAWKAKKA another big laughs!ratna came out of the toilet. then we started to sing the whole song.

" saat ku dibangun dulu
aku bertanya jadi apa
akankah besar? ato kecil?
inilah jwbny..

kesera-sera selama ad holcim
jadi apapun jga
pasti sempurna

susan, remember wat this pic is?


as summer feels.