great last day

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
at 9:39:00 AM

rite, after the whole journey, we switched to these moments in class where we played pancasila, sing, danced and did all kinds of stuff.. the these two boys tried on our new basketball jumpers tat were just finished today.. some disappointments but i guess ill have to bare with it.. okay back to the moments.. daniel tried on mine while ho tried on carz's. BUAKAKAKAKKA!! just see for urselves!

caroline lge nyoba gepeng-in rmbtny ho

hoody buddies or should i say cuzzins?

nice one niel..great pose with my jumper!!

this is mine.. see the "13" on it??

we're the nasa peepz!

aduhhh...nice pic but ho's part was blurr..niel's wearing mine on the left while ho's on the right

anywayz niel was really really really cute today!! and i mean really!


as summer feels.

journey of survival [a colourful post]

at 9:20:00 AM

a lousy start for the day, but some things managed to make it the fact that today's the last day of term 3 and some other things like scoring 30/35 for a test that i didnt study that hard for cuz of megan & a few chat boxes & of course a video search for cinta laura's "bechyeekkk"..

ANYWAYZ.. yep a lusy start but it kinda ended quite well n adventurous. having an oral test today wasnt expected and my god i shaked today..real bad i guess but since ms vanda said that i did "OKAY" i was honestly kinda glad. some of the people got topics on survival and i got about "death". sheeeeshhh...but as she said i did "OKAY"..

ANYWAYZ.. [again] what i wanted to mention was this what we call [or actually what i call] the journey of survival to buy some gorengan in this weather where it's [quote from cinta laura] : " mana hujyaann, bechyeekkk gk ad ojyekkk" situation. all four of us, caroline, irene susan and me went in this journey to the primary school in that situation. irene and susan sacrificed their backs for getting wet, caroline was her left part of her hand and for me, it was my right. i think it took us about more than 30 mins and when it was the first bite in class of the gorengan, WOW! it was definitely worth it to go all the way. the FUN, adventure and splashes of water, oh! and not to forget the photos that we asked the guy who sold the gorengan to take and the security in front of our school..

it was definitely a GREAT journey of survival. most adventurous one i bet..>.<" the photos:

by the security guard

a close up

pic taken by the gorengan guy

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as summer feels.

i adore ur style & voice

Thursday, March 06, 2008
at 9:50:00 AM

did anyone see david cook yesterday on american idol with his electric guitar singing lionel richie's song..OMG he was sooo the way he sang it was really emo n the whole arrangement and all was just superb. forget david archuleta, he aint winning over cook with his cuteness [although i still think that he is totaly cute. i want him as a pet. gosh!] and the last thing that i wanna hear is him singing "Iris" i might as well fall in love with him..

my jie, vina also has this huge crush on his voice. what can i say? we're sisters alrite!

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as summer feels.

great job peepz!

Sunday, March 02, 2008
at 6:04:00 AM

having high hopes on winning last thursday, we were determined that we could win agaist iics, one of the strongest teams.

the next day...

having slept only for 6 hours and the effect of the red wine that made me kinda red, i was so exhausted that i was running out of air..and at last i asked for a sub, one thing that i wouldnt do agian for if i did, then the chance of me playing again wont be that high.

with the score tied till the fourth quarter, we were all still in hopes of winning the game. in our minds, all were thinking that if we lose this game, then we would have to fight against ipto, the team that beat our school 30 something to 10 something, but if we win , then we would play against the same team again, iics.

in the end..we lost.

all of us thought that's it.the chance for us to be in third place was gone. we were all so tired and the next game was in 1 hour so there was just sooo little time to rest. we all thought that we should just let it go. until we finally knew that we had the hopes to win. the score was tied or somehow close. the happier thing was that i scored the first point again after the last game against pik! YES! [something that im really proud of cuz of my really poor offense]

at last, we won!against ipto!the team that beat iics also..!!yay!

its abit weird that the way im writing this post..i too feel the awkwardness.

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as summer feels.