gown... + flu T,T

Monday, January 28, 2008
at 6:54:00 AM

goodness. im having a really bad flu plus all the other sickness together at once. i was supposed to go to this friendly match in SIS but my mom wont let me... hix3...n the fact that i cant see n play.

instead i went to TA with my mom...kyaaa!!!>.<" bought a gown - was rather weird so my mo's gonna make things right n all that stuff.. i also bought shoes matching with the gown.. actually i wanted them since a few weeks ago but the one i wanted was the light brown one.. gosh fell in love with them but since the whole theme was black n white soo... i bought the black which was rather oke i guess..

well i guess that's about it n maybe; just MAYBE i'll post some photos of me wearing it.. hehehe^^
as summer feels.


Sunday, January 27, 2008
at 9:09:00 AM

yesterday was my SAT n all i can tell u was that im soooo HAPPY.. i know... weird rite? hehehehe... im not gonna write why cuz its kinda like a secret... heheheheh... anywayz.. there were lots of cute korean guys.. especially this one who sat behind me... and the guy sitting next to him... aaaaaawwww... drool drool =3

allison's bdae was okay... we made a surprise for her and one thing that really stood out though... when the lights were out n we were told to be silent.. i told susan this : gmn y kalo hp tba2 bunyi..silent hp ahhh... nanti bunyi lge...

n the second i opened my bag to find my hp, it rang.. and the ringtone was that korean song n everyone laughed... felt sooo bad,,, hazukashii!!!!

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as summer feels.


Friday, January 25, 2008
at 8:22:00 AM

im actually studying rite now so im gonna make this quick. i skipped basketball today which was my only motivation to complete the school week for the last couple of yearsn now im in my room. wearing my wisconsin jumper, freezing, with a red nose cuz i got a flu. something that i dont usually get. i was hatchoo-ing particularly the whole day. in the car. in class. in my room. in the toilet. in the lift n even ON my bed. i dun feel well but i guess i cant sleep yet cuz im not done studying. i barely touched the SAT books since school started n i cant afford to lose this chance of scoring well. but my head's kinda swirling around i guess. i dun feel well. i drank medicine twice already. one at 4 and another at around 9. also drank youC1000 but i dun think i felt any better. btw im chatting with my jie.. she's soooo nice. i think i might feel better. MIGHT. oke then.. i guess i'll stop here.. got lots to do before i sleep. not even done with the essay part yet.


dear GOD,

tomorrow's my SAT test n im not even done studying. please help me
go through this problem i have. im also not feeling very well
right now so please also help me feel better by
tomorrow. i pray that you'll accompany me throughout
my test and that you give me the strength to complete the test
and pass with high marks. also,
tomorrow's Allison's bdae party,
i hope everything goes well and it'll become a great surprise that will actually make her really really really happy and so she'll laugh all day like she always does.

please also bless all the people i know so that they will stay healthy and happy throughout their lives. Bless daddy, mommy, cici jenny, sebbie, opa, oma, oma lan,
mbak rohmi, my friends at skul n everyone else.
in Jesus' name i pray.
Amen. "


as summer feels.

PERVERT! >.<" ++ seawater

Thursday, January 24, 2008
at 6:18:00 AM

GUDNESS.it's been such a long time since i update this blog n im so upset to see that the title of this post has to be those words...

that perv in sec 1, that ugly sinful thing has made soooo many victims in my school. ESPECIALLY pre-Us. with his innocent look always wandering around the 5th floor, it turns out that he had his secret need to see under our skirts. damn.

i found out that he was the same guy that stalked catherine around yesterday like a PSYCHO-EGO-MANIAC until she had to hide in the classroom n when she did he was still wandering along the 5th floor hallway. GOODNESS. can u believe that?!

i also found out that his name is JACKSON. im not gonna really stress his name cuz i think my jie stressed it quite enough in her entry.

another thing i found out is that we're gonna go to him tomorrow or wat philip wrote in MSN:

*help P L i P If you are what you say you are.. A SUPERSTAR says:
bsok is de time 4 us to take action
*help P L i P If you are what you say you are.. A SUPERSTAR says:
*help P L i P If you are what you say you are.. A SUPERSTAR says:
no labrak.. we bully "Pre-U" style

somehow, just somehow..it sounded kinda cool..^^ weird.

o.O..n about the seawater...had a speech today about it.. shaked like hell..AGAIN!! why?! how do u STOP this SHAKING problem i have here? can anyone help me?this public speaking kinda sucks but i guess i DO need to learn,,,

o well.. my next goals are:
  1. Finish my SATs... im taking it in like 2 more days.. people..pray for me!!
  2. Get my IGCSE thigs done
  3. Make sure a college in US wants to take me in cuz my age are making real serious n BIG problems
  4. Go according to the plan ratna & i made just now
  5. Find an outfit for allison's bdae
  6. BUY a really really really NICE DRESS for valen's fabulous 15

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as summer feels.