
Friday, September 28, 2007
at 10:39:00 AM

okay.....tomorow's ne-chan's party n i have no idea what im gonna do.... i asked some people and thought i had it under control but noooo i didn't...

1. i asked my aunt whether she had any... and she said yes when i told her to give everthing she had that can be put on the eye to my mom when she went to her house....but she forgot. then the next day which is today, my driver went to pick it up n it turned out that the only thing in the plastic bag was blush on, full colour set eye shadow n a pencil that's blue. [not really sure what they are actually but o well..]

2. tomorrow's my grandparent's anniversary and we were all supposed to meet at their house... i thought so.. that's why i called my other aunt [who i thought would come] and asked her : "besok k rumah opa kan?"

"iya..tpi sore soalny jessica siangny les"

darn it!that means she can't lend me her stuff... GREEEEAT!!!

im still thinking wat im gonna do for tomorrow... n how im gonna do my el project with angela...ther's no way i can go to her house n ther's no way i can go for basketball practice in the morning...

SHIT. im doomed.
as summer feels.

at last -.-"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
at 7:56:00 AM

omigod...cant believe i actually made this blog.sooo confuseed.not an expert at it yet so.. mind my prof..'s vina's b'dae [so many apostrophes]
me n irene gav her a foto frame in a family tree.

thank GOD she liked it.. ehehhee n the card too..[took me quite some time]

she opened it in class and she was like : yay!!i can put our photos here...
then irene n me were like : sorry vin u cant cz we put our photos on it already...

waawkakwkakakkaaa...narcism alert!

to:vina おねちゃん.. おたんじょうびおめでとう!! n also ありがとう for helping me out in this blog thing.. heheheh..thx sis! hope u always remember me n irene forever n ever...>.~
as summer feels.